Sixth Chapter (last chapter)

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I woke up the next morning by the doorbell, no one answered it "CANT ANY LITTLE FUCKER GET THE DAMN DOOR?!" I shouted not giving a damn about my language. No one heard me, I sighed and got up. As I made my way through the hallway I noticed something was wrong, no one was home, did I dare to open the door? Adam had told me that I wasnt allowed to open the door unless someone was home. I took a chair from the kitchen putted it against the door got up and looked out through the keyhole. Sauli stood there and waited for someone to open the damn door, I smiled and jumped down from the chair I opened the door and gave him a hug he hugged me back tightly "Honey, why are you only wearing your boxers on" he chuckled a little when he saw me blushing. He gave me a small kiss on my head and shuffled me inside, when he closed the door he said "By the way, I'm gonna have to spank you" I froze for a moment, he came up behind me and hugged me "you really need to think about what you say, the F-word is really bad. Come.." he lifted me up and took me to my room, he sat down on my bed and held me for a little while. When he bended me over his knees I came back to reality and started to struggle he locked my legs and started spanking my still very sore bottom "How" *smack* "hard" *smack* "can it be" *smack* *smack* *smack* *smack* "to understand" *smack* "thats its not allowed to swear" *smack* he lectured, my butt started burning like crazy! I begged him to stop but he hushed me and pulled down my boxers all the way down to my ankles, he took off his shoe and I frowned "please dont spank my sore butt with your shoe, please daddy" I begged "if this is the only way you will ever learn how to behave then I'm sorry, you better start behaving" he said and started spanking me. When he was done I was bawling, and no wonder he had given me a small bruise on my right cheek, he lifted me up from his knees and sat me in his lap with my sore butt between his legs, he craddled me for a while, when I had stopped crying he said "there, there. Its not that bad, I'll let you rest for a while then when Dad comes home we're gonna watch a few movies and just have a nice peacful day" he smiled and put me in bed tucking me in and kissed my cheek, I fell asleep fast.

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