Chapter 6 - Agent M

Começar do início

He smiled and said,


I nodded and said,

"Noted. Thanks. But I don't think he needs to kick you. Does he not just tell you nicely to knock it off?"

He shakes his head.

"No, but I like you better! Can I stay with you forever?"

I chuckled and said,

"What?! I mean, I guess? I hope your house trained. Don't go shittin' on everything, okay?"

He giggles again.

"Don't worry! I'm potty trained!"

I laugh at the adorable lemur.

"That's my pencil. I need that for a thing I'm writing. Can I have it back, please?"

He nodded and handed it to me.

I smiled and said,

"Thank you, Mort"

I gave him a gentle kiss on the forehead and he brought his paws up to my face.

"You are very pretty!"

I scoff and say,

"Why does everyone say that about me?"

I set him down and he runs back to his habitat.

"Alright. First thing on the list is to--"

I was interrupted by that same voice.

"Visit my habitat and bask in my wonderful kingly glory!!"

I look over the bench and the same grey lemur is leaning on the fence, closest to the bench.


He puts his hand to his hip and says,

"You are to bask in my rightful glory and tell me I'm pretty"

He smiles and I just gave him a confused look.

The fuck? Why does this lemur want so much attention?

"Okay. You're pretty"

He giggles and says,

"Yay! She thinks I'm pretty!"

He slicks his hair back with his hand and says,

"You should come into my kingdom. I have room for a queen"

I sigh and grab my handbag and walk away, walking to Alex's exhibit.

"Hey, Alex!"

Alex turns his head from the corner of the habitat, where the other three animals were all conversing.

"Hey! What's up, Y/n?"

Before I can say anything, I looked around his habitat. Looks like him and his animal friends had cleaned up the jet plane crash. They also fixed the walls too, like nothing even happened.

"Wow! You guys did an amazing job cleaning up the jet crash. Nice job!"

He smiled.

"Well, we had some help. So, what was it that you needed?"

I put my hand to my face, covering view of my mouth like I'm gossiping.

"The lemur is annoying. The penguins hate me. How much longer until the zoo opens?"

He looked at the clock on the top of the gates.

"In about 10 minutes. The commissioner should be here any minute now."

Undercover - A Penguins of Madagascar x Reader FanfictionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora