Yu Fei shows him some fighting moves. All of the moves are aimed to vital parts of the foes. Like eyeballs, throat, crotch and etc.

He explains, "You are still small. Too many disadvantages. Don't be soft hearted to your foes."

"Yes, I know. Thank you, Master."

Yu Fei nods his head. This kid is polite. Unlike those snob noble brats. Too much pampering and big attitudes in daily life.

He stares the backyard. It has many veggies and unknown wild plants.

Ling Bao says, "Daddy took a long time to plant them all. I helped him."

"Good boy."

Yu Fei caresses his head.

Ling Bao says, "I'm going to study medicine. Daddy planted many wild herbs for my study."

Yu Fei asks, "How old are you?"

"Six years old."

"You could write and read?"

Ling Bao shakes his head.

He says, "Only few words..."


Yu Fei says nothing and leaves the backyard.

Ling Bao returns to practice martial arts again. His moves are getting smoother after receiving pointers from Yu Fei.

Yu Fei just walks out of his mansion when Cheng Ran blocks his path again.

"Stay out of my side," orders Yu Fei.

"We are going to get married."

Yu Fei punches a nearby tree. It leaves a huge hole.

Cheng Ran withdraws immediately.

He yells during fleeing, "We will get married!"

That day, Yu Fei pays a visit to his sister in law.

"Long time no see. Strange to find you visited me on your own will," teases her.

"I have been busy."

"Cheng Ran is impatient to marry you. He kept asking when you will..."

Yu Fei's face turns cold.

He says in icy tone, "Wait until the sea runs dry. Until deserts turn into forest area. Until the sun no longer shine."

The sister in law is speechless. Yu Fei has been engaged to Cheng Ran since they were still in wombs.

Yu Fei has been postponed the marriage for many years. Saying he was needed in frontline.

Now the country is stable. He still doesn't want to marry him.

Ran Xu, the sister in law says, "I will scold Cheng Ran. He will behave well. He just wants to marry you."

"I could marry him. He must stay in another city. We shall never meet again until our death. That's my conditions. Tell him."

Yu Fei rises from his seat and leaves without saying anything else.

Ran Xu feels choked. In short, it means Cheng Ran will be his wife by name. Yu Fei won't touch him. No better than a stranger in lifetime.

What's the point in marrying?

She writes a letter and tells the truth to Cheng Ran. Asking him to find another suitor. Yu Fei is a stubborn man. He won't change his mind easily.

Yu Fei encounters his brother when he is leaving.

He asks Yu Fei, "I didn't know you have come here."

"I'm going to ask sister in law a favor."

"Marriage. It's about time."

"To break the marriage contract."

"Yu Fei! Our father arranged it..."

Yu Fei snorts.

He replies, "Ask our late father to marry Cheng Ran. I'm not available."

The hatred shown in his eyes makes his brother takes a step back. He fears Cheng Ran would be murdered if he married Yu Fei.

His little brother is well known for his bad temper. Act first. Accept punishment later. That's been his style during childhood days.

His brother comments, "My wife shall persuade Cheng family to cancel the marriage."

"Good. Asked them to prepare a coffin if Cheng Ran won't stop bugging me."

Yu Fei leaves the mansion. He heads toward marketplace.

A handsome scholar enters a popular book store.

A clerk greets him, "Sir, we haven't seen you for a long time. A lot of new books have been available."

The scholar is choosing books when the clerk greets another customer.

"Welcome, Sir. What kind of books you need?"

"Children books. So they could learn writing and reading."

The scholar frowns. He knows Yu Fei. The most fierce bachelor in capital city.

Why he needs children books?

Yu Fei buys children books and medicine books for beginners.

The scholar leaves the bookstore after paying for a book.

"Yu Fei! "

The scholar finally catches up with him.

"Su Yang," greets Yu Fei.

The scholar asks, "You bought books?"


The scholar is dying for gossips. Unfortunately Yu Fei as silent as a clam. In the end, he discovered nothing.

Yu Fei meets Ling Bao in the backyard in the next morning. He gives the books to him.

"Thank you, Master."

"Study well. Ask your Daddy if you didn't know any word."

"Yes, I will."

Yu Fei teaches Ling Bao for half an hour before attending his duties. It's their daily routine since few days ago.

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Forcing someone for marriage won't result in a happy marriage. Foolish Cheng Ran.

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