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Do you know Echo from Greek Mythology? The girl who was punished by hera that she can only repeat what other people say, and then, she saw narcissist and fell in love with him but he was too full of himself that he never noticed her and add to that is that she can never say what she really want to say.  

I'm like the living version of Echo except that I'm not cursed, I just... don't like to stand out. I just go with the flow and prefer to stay on the background, and he... he was strikingly beautiful that you can't go pass him without noticing him, get what I mean? He's appeal is just too much to bear that I think most of the girls get wet just by walking past him. 

No one would ever guess that we were friends back in primary school.  Hell, he doesn't even remember that we were friends. It's just funny how in one snap, everything you've ever known, evrything you've been used to will change so quickly that you can't catch up to it, and you're stuck somewhere in between with no one but yourself.

I try to find my own voice, but I just can't. I keep on following the rules and other things that people lay in front of me. I feel like a puppet. I feel caged. I feel restrained. It's really suffocating, and if I don't get out soon, I might just never. 

I looked up and there he is, just in front of me, walking in my direction, but he just saw the announcement posted on the bulletin board behind me.  He's so close to me that I can smell his scent. 

Am I dead? Am I a ghost? that I just don't know yet. Maybe, My true body is somewhere in a hospital, suffering from a coma and  I will wake up from this. That must be it. It has to be. 

I sighed and walked away but someone stopped me. I looked up and saw that it was him. He smiled and said, "Hey, you're Aries right?" I just nodded, unable to believe to what was happening.  

"I just want to ask if you wanna hang out this friday? There's an open mic night in ggg Bistro and I thought that I'd ask you because I heard you listening to Jazz so uhh yeahh uhmmm- If you're interested of course." He said nervously.

I look at him, feeling amused and confused at the same time, to what he's doing. 

"Uhh, so. ok. I'll take that as a no then." he walked away. 

I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I sighed and tried again, but it was so soft that it can't be heard by anyone but me then, I ran towards him and smiled at him and nodded.

At first, he looked confused but after a few seconds he finally get it and he too, smiled widely at me. 

Echo (one-shot)Where stories live. Discover now