Chapter 1 - Prison

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The streets of New York were everywhere around Maggie. Cars, yelling, talking, everything was so chaotic, not even her mind would focus on her thoughts. But the second her phone in the back pocket of her jeans rang, she snapped every single sound out.

As the unknown number popped up on the screen, she debated whether or not to pick up the phone, hoping that none of her former "colleagues" had tracked her down.

Picking it up, she was happy to hear the soldier's voice on the other side: yes, they worked together, but she knew for a fact that he wasn't in some evil terror group, wanting her to join.

"Maggie, are you alone?"

She looked around in the still crowned streets and sighed to herself, "not exactly, what do you need?"

"You know how to break out of prison, correct?"

She smirked to herself as her mind thought of the times she escaped from HYDRA, as well as the government. "Yeah, I've had my fair share of that, wanting to break some evil terrorist out of prison?" She had slightly been joking, but knowing who she was talking to, it could be true nonetheless.

"You know me too well" She could practically hear the smirk from the other side.

"So, where am I going?"

"Germany" And with that, he hung up, but just a second later, her phone vibrated in her hand and showed a text with exact locations.

"Germany it is then," she said to herself, and she pushed through the thick maze of people.


As she found the locations Bucky had sent, she silently moved over to the voices she heard at the end of the room. She was pleased when she saw a familiar face amongst the two men. Maggie cleared he throat to signal she was there with them, and Bucky quickly turned his face to look at her. His face lit up with a small smile- not the most genuine smile, but it was all he could manage- and walked over to her to embrace her in a small hug.

"So, who am I supposed to break out of prison?" she asked, cutting right to the chase. She was never the one to create conversation, especially on missions, wanting it to be over as soon as possible.

As soon a Maggie mentioned breaking someone out of prison, the man Bucky was talking to got a furrowed expression on his face. She quickly caught on and found out that he probably didn't have any idea about this little plan of Buckys.

"Bucky, what is she talking about?"

"She's kidding, he isn't getting out of prison."

Maggie started getting more and more confused in the little conversation between the two men and quickly pulled Bucky aside, giving the unknown man a small smile.

"Okay, please tell me what's going on right now," she said in a whispered shout, not wanting Bucky's teammate to hear. "Just don't say anything we'll talk about this when Sam isn't here."

Maggie rolled her eyes before walking back to the spot occupied by this so-called "Sam". She couldn't say she was surprised though, Bucky had gone on his own little secret missions before while they worked together, which caused her to have very little trust in the guy.

The two men talked about their little "mission" for what seemed like hours, but Maggie didn't keep track of time and didn't listen in on the conversation in the first place, that was until they mentioned the serum.

Since she and Bucky weren't exactly considered friends, she didn't keep him updated on everything she did, she had no problem going out on her own little missions if she deems it necessary. The serum was something she knew a lot about, funnily enough, since she had worked with Karli Morgenthau. Karli had tricked her into becoming "friends", planning on leaving her once she got all the information she needed from Maggie, but they grew to like each other quite a lot, and couldn't seem to part. Maggie didn't know much about her Flagsmasher group, since they hadn't talked a while. 

Considering Bucky and Sam were thinking about finding her made Maggie slightly anxious. Maggie and Karli were practically like sisters now, and she still wanted to help whenever she could, but then again, she hadn't heard from her in a while and wasn't keeping up with the news, so Maggie had no idea what she was doing nowadays.

She was full out of her thoughts when the large metal door slammed shut. She saw Sam was no longer present, so she figured he left. Bucky turned to face her and started explaining the plan, as well as everything they had on this guy.


"Okay, hold up, you're saying I need to break Helmut Zemo out of a German prison, as in the Zemo who broke up the Avengers?"

"Yes?" He said and looked at her like it was nothing, which considering other missions she has done, it wasn't.

The plan Bucky had wasn't ideal, which was one of the reasons he contacted Maggie. She did have a few better ways of breaking him out, but that wasn't relevant to the conversations, so she kept quiet and let Bucky explain the rest of his escape plan.

"Meet me at this location, with Zemo, and don't kill him in the process."

"Chill dude, I'm not gonna kill him."

He gave her a sharp look, and she rolled her eyes. Right after that. She turned on her heel and left, she assumed they had stolen the car she was going to be driving, but that wasn't new and fairly easy. It wasn't in the best condition, which wasn't the best idea for a getaway car, but it would be discreet.

And with that, she set off in the car, toward the prison Zemo was. 

A/N: Okay so I fixed some little rough spots in this chapter (I got a little better at writing). I'm trying to experiment a little with her personality, and ill see where it goes. Hope you like this so far <3

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