“-That is just another typical example of your problem and not mine. Bye I’ll wait here for you.” He mumbled something and he walked away. I immediately felt bad for him because I was so mean but he kinda asked for it. My feet didn’t hurt. Or they did hurt but I just didn’t feel it because my stomach was hurting even more. I had no clue where we were. How far can you walk in 30 hours? I don’t know, probably much. We were in a forest I didn’t know or recognized. I’ll ask Hurricane when he comes back. Hurricane. His name, why was he called Hurricane? I liked the name, it was perfect for him (so far I knew him). Suddenly I started to panic. What was wrong with me? Walking away from home, leaving everyone, not telling anyone where I went. Not that I knew by then where I went but still. And the worst of all, I’d sent Hurricane away, he is the only one who knew this forest, why did I sent him away? Gosh what’s wrong with me. I decided the best thing I could do was stay. Hurricane knew I was on this place so if I left, I’d sure be all alone. All I had to do now was sit and wait and hoping Hurricane came back.

The forest was beautiful. Green trees and it was clean, no sign of other human beings or signs that they’d ever been here. Beautiful and enormously scary at the same time. I laid back down and looked at the blue sky and the green loaves, so gorgeous. I closed my eyes. I heard the wind going through the leaves and I felt the sunlight on my face. It smelled exactly how you want a forest to smell, and it was so quiet, so peaceful. I couldn’t imagine anymore what worrying was and why I worried, I was breathing. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. I concentrated on my breathing, It worked. I could feel that I was breathing. I was breathing. I was functioning. I was living. And on that moment, I swear, it was the only thing that really mattered.

“Hey lazy fool, I have food and some more stuff.” Someone was standing in my sunlight. The sunlight worked like a blanket.

“Get out of my sunlight.’’ I mumbled and smiled because Hurricane was back.

“I have chocolate.” I smiled and opened my eyes. Chocolate, TV shows and books were always a reason to wake up, even if you didn’t want to.

“Are you serious? You are mad the whole day and bitch me off but as soon as I have chocolate you’re suddenly the gods angel.”

“Clearly.” I said and I took a chocolate bar out of his hands and started eating. Gosh this was really good chocolate (also because I was really hungry and then almost everything tastes good).

“Where did you get it?” I asked, I mean, we were in the middle of a forest and I’m sure I would have known if they could grow chocolate bars on trees.

“There’s a hunting hut not far away. I know the owners so they gave me some.” He said and he opened a bar too.

“Yeah good one, where are we and how and why do you know me.” I said. I could wait with that but I finally wanted some answers so I decided to just ask it all at once.

“We,” he said. “We are in one of the most beautiful forests known in the whole wide universe. And you already know, I’m Hurricane.”

“But the fact that I know your name doesn’t change the fact that you know everything about me. So again, why and how do you know me.”

“You know everything about me too. You just don’t know that.” He said without explanation.

“Again, why and how do you know me? Just answer it, I can go on like this for like forever.” I said, it wasn’t true and I hoped he didn’t saw I was lying. Did I already mentioned how hot he was? And that his freaking 3 piece suit was still clean and equal after sleeping on the ground and walking one and a half day straight? I probably did, damn.

“That Lauren, is such a long story.”

“it better be, what else should I do in here.” He sighed

“I don’t want to, it’s a long and boring story.”

“If the story is about me there’s no way it can possibly be long and boring. Long is maybe possible but boring? No way, and even if it is about you it probably wouldn’t be boring either so just start.” He sighed.

“Okay, but don’t dare to interrupt me.” He sighed once more.”

“I promise.” I said and he started to talk when I was still eating my chocolate.

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