HatsuMomo(Hatsume x Momo)

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Mei Hatsume, the busiest girl in U.A high school, always making gadgets and getting in people space. She would have no room for love, right? Wrong. Hatsume actually had a crush on one of Class 1-A's top students, Momo Yaoyorozu. If only the pink haired girl knew that Momo felt the same way. Hatsume was running down the hall at 5:30 am to get to the support course work place. While she was running she bumped into a black haired girl. "Oh! I'm sorry, Hatsume." said Momo as she helped Hatsume up, as she had fallen over. "No problem Yaoyorozu!" said Hatsume as she grabbed Momo's hand and stood up. "Why you up so early, school starts at 7:00 am?" said the rich girl as she tilted her head like a confused puppy. Hatsume thought it was adorable. "Well I wanted to go in the support course lounge and get some coffee, since I don't sleep much." said the caffeine addicted girl. "Oh well I'm sorry I bothered you, Hatsume." said Momo as she started to walk away. "Wait Yaoyorozu! Lets both get coffee together, you look like you need some." said Hatsume as she put her hand on Momo's shoulder. Her statement was true as well, Momo was very tired since she had a lot of homework the night before. "That sounds nice, sure." said the raven haired girl. Seconds later Momo was being dragged away by Hatsume to the support course lounge. A red tint was on Momo's face the entire time she was being dragged. "Ok we are here, what kind of coffee do you want?" said the pink haired girl as she let go of Momo's hand. "You can just give me the same kind your making for yourself, Hatsume." said Momo. Hatsume nodded and started to make the coffee. After a few minutes the coffee was down and both the girls sat down, and drank their coffee while talking and laughing until school started.

I had no more ideas for this-

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