(More Q & A)

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Unfortunately, my cousin found out that I'm doing a q & a so they want to ask me questions -_-) She basically tagged me- 

Because I have a short attention span, I'm going to present it in a way that'll unnecessarily waste a lot of my time. 


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1. My favourite comedy show is Family Reunion on Netflix. The grandma in it is pretty funny and mean. 

2. Hmm... where I am there is not much snow in winter, and in autumn I'll get to see the flowers fall off the trees, so I'll pick autumn.

3. I have never liked art lessons or home economics. Home economics: me + needle = meltdown (which is why I quit it a long time ago 😅) and I just do not like doing art in school. You have to share resources with... people...

4. Why ask this question? 14%

5. Chocolate. I don't have much for sweets and I love the delicious taste of all the scrumptious little pieces. Lindt is one of my many favourites.

6. If the world was ending, it would probably depend how. Y'know I'd be asleep while the world is ending. Lame, I know, but it is true. I'd be asleep and not notice where the entire global population has gone, including me.

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