In Case You Didn't Know

Start from the beginning

'Cause it's been years!

Woah, oh, oh, oh

This band is back

Reggie sang happily as the three jumped around the beach, watching as the people either danced around on the sand, water or even their seats to their music. 

Whoa, oh, oh, oh

This band is back

Woohoo, ooh, ooh

Woohoo, ooh, ooh

Woohoo, ooh, ooh

Can you

Yes, we can

Can you hear me?

Loud and clear

We gotta get, wanna get

We gotta get ready

A guy just happened to be walking by with a surf board in his hand, when Reggie sand over top of him, earning a very confused man not knowing where the singing is coming from or why it sounded so close to him. 

'Cause it's been years


Whoa, oh, oh, oh

This band is back

Whoa, oh, oh, oh 

This band is back...

"You won't find the speaker. It's direct spot audio." The band told the female as the boys happily sang around them. "I heard about it in a TED talk." 

Woohoo, ooh, ooh


The boys started to happily dance away when the song began to come at an end, when Luke strummed his last note before throwing the guitar over his shoulder letting it rest there for a moment. "See what I mean, Reggie? Music will always come through for us." 

"Ok, you might be right on that." Reggie smiled, running his hand through his hair. "I honestly forgot about that song, till you started playing it, but why did we make it again?" 

Alex and Luke could feel a smile grow on their faces. "It was during the summer, before we started high school, remember." Alex said, already feeling a laugh wanting to escape his mouth, from the memory.

"We all fought over what we should do for our last day of freedom before, as we like to call it, going to prison, again for a whole year. It got so bad that all of us went towards separate part of the garage and were glaring at the walls." Luke smiled, as he remembered how angry he was that they all wanted to do other things. 

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