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DC, in the bathroom trying to communicate with ghosts: Hello?? Who's there??
Florida, trying to teach California fortnite dances outside: You're doing it wrong

Florida: Why don't you believe ghosts are real?
California: I've never seen one.
Florida: Okay, I mean, there's a lot of things that you can't see that are real.
California: What can't I see?
Florida: You can't see gravity. That's real.
California: I can drop an apple.
Florida: [softly] fuck

Gov: I'm gonna go ahead and cut you off right there
Gov: Cause I don't give a shit

Florida: If I was thrown into prison, would you help me escape?
New York: No.
Florida: Well you don't have to say it that fast! Think about it. Let's try again. If I was thrown into prison, would you-
New York: No.
Florida: You son of a bitch.

New York: Me, I don't like talking to people I care about.
California: Wait, you never talk to me.
California: Do you care about me?
New York: Clearly.

Florida: I'm funny.
Louisiana: You are, man.

Utah: Few teens out there, probably smoking a few funny cigarettes.
Colorado: You can say weed, it's 2021.
Utah: ...some grass.

Florida: DemOn
Louisiana: Stop it
Florida: DEmoN!
Louisiana: Stop calling it that!
Florida: No, I just want to talk to some demons!

Florida: You want me off this bridge, you're gonna have to kill me.

States but as Buzzfeed unsolved quotesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ