𝐌𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐕𝐈𝐈𝐈

Start from the beginning

"Long way down..." Stopping for a moment, Ziva just stared off into space "It's..... beautiful. The song just could maybe represent how you wanted a relationship to work but it didn't or like maybe it could show how when you're at the top, you didn't appreciate it and now when you're getting down, you realise how much you actually had. For me, it shows the impact that the announcement had on me. It honestly hurts me so much, cuz it just shows you're scared and vulnerable and..... and I'm just not sure if I like it. Being vulnerable, I mean." 

"Never Enough." The brunette let out a quiet chuckle and placed her chin on her hands "It again shows stubborn and submissive love. Cuz the person's going like, just take it all, I don't care. I just need you, Kinda catchy really. And it's different from what we've ever done and I like it." Looking at the camera, Ziva nodded "Yeah, I like it."

"Olivia is a really really really strong song. Cuz it just draws you in. Like it doesn't matter who that person is, the tune just kind of demands you to join in and jam to it. Uh, I think that the reason why it's a favorite is cuz Olivia can be literally any person on this planet. It can be your mum, or your sister or you girlfriend, you just love them and you love it. It's really different than what we usually do and the song really just kind of.... like ya know flowed off on itself."

"What a feeling just kind of..." Ziva leaned back and continued "I think the song just kinds of... sums up maybe? I'm not sure. But like yeah, I think it just sorts of sums up all the emotions of the album in one song and I think that's really great."

"Love you goodbye is my comfort song." Ziva chuckled "After we finished recording the album, I took advantage of ya know being the songwriter of a lot of these songs and I really just listened to the whole album every time I put on music. But, um... yeah. It's like the time after a breakup when you're forced to see your ex and you're like.... wow okay when you see the changes, be it good or bad. Honestly, I am in love with Niall's part and then the slowed ending that Harry did? Yeah, in love with that."

"I want to write you a song... cute. That's how I would describe it. It is like one of those songs you put up in winters and get in the blankets with your lover with hot chocolate or tea or whatever you like and just enjoy it. It has a really campfiry tune to it. It flows really simply and with the tune flowing in the background, you just can't help but fall in love with the song."

"History." Ziva mumbled as tears threatened to escape, even thinking about it. "History is really near to my heart mainly because it just shows that support and that kind of plea to hold on and especially with what has happened the past months, it hit me really deep. It's definitely one of the best on the album mainly because I think it just shows the fans as to how much we appreciate and love them with everything they've done for us. And with the hardships that've come, I think we five have only gotten closer rather than letting it tear us apart." Pausing for a moment, she continued "I remember slapping Harry in that moment and thinking about it now, I probably over reacted but that's what happens when you've done something for like five years and that's all you've known and then you're just told that it will not be there anymore. No warning, no discussion, Just a decision. I didn't talk to the boys for weeks before I came to my senses and got over the denial. This song just represents that for me."

"Love love love Niall's voice in Temporary Fix. So when I went in the studio for the harmonies, I heard the whole thing and I was shocked. It's totally different from half the stuff we have on the album and I was really unsure about it. It didn't grow on me at first, but then it's the kinda song that is.... catchy, I guess? Yeah. So now we have it on repeat."

"Walking in the wind is my assurance song. Like when I think of what will happen now over the next few years, the song just gives me assurance that no matter what I do, where I go or who I become, there are certain people, be it fans or the boys or my friends or whoever, that will be with me regardless. And they will support me, which is possibly the greatest thing I could have asked for."

'Wolves. Another one of my comfort songs. I think the guys take it literal to like protecting a girl, but then I take it to be like the nightmares. Like you get nightmares or something and then we're here, protecting you. I don't know that could be just me, but then I would totally use this song to comfort myself at any time. It does have a kind of Christmas tune but yeah."

"A.M.... We didn't have to really work on this because of the sole fact that it came from deep down of our hearts. We've always been up at like the early hours of the morning, just writing and recording and..... It's special."

"All in all, I think that this album is definitely our best. Mainly I think it's so because it's got a lot of different stuff than what we do and then I loved the fact that we had time to just think how we wanted it to be. Like ya know discuss what we wanted to hear and what we fans to hear."

A/N: I know that not all the boys got to have a say on all the songs, mainly the ones they wrote, so The ones that have Narration are the ones which were included in the video, and rest are her thoughts. 

Update after sooooo long! 

I had been swarmed with school and stuck on the chapter i was originally supposed to post but we just shifted that for later!

Hope you're having a great day!
 Take care of yourself and thank you sm for reading! 

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