- Megumi as your lover .

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Fushiguro Megumi as your sincere loverboy!

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Fushiguro Megumi as your sincere loverboy!

-Shares his music with you and only you
-You guys do this cute stuff where you create playlists for each other and just listen to it the whole day while slow dancing.
-During day-offs you and Megumi cook and bake together.
-He really likes those strawberry shortcakes.
-Then you guys feed each other.
-Guess who sneaked in😎 It's the best sensei! Gojo-sensei! 😟😟🖐
-He brought Kugisaki and Yuji with him.
-Megumi ends up being annoyed the whole day but is thankful at least he was with his lovergirl his pretty girl.
-You're his whole life.
-Loves to kiss your nose.
-You guys take care if each other.
-You both take baths together because he loves to feel you against him and feeling both of your heartbeats in sync while listening to music.
-Sings you to sleep.
-You both sing together all the time😻
-Megumi just wants you in his life and nothing more.
-Very very super honest, would always go with a "i love you ok? Don't forget it please"
-"You know that i love you right?"
-Is very patient
-Very Bold and clingy even outside doesnt care about his classmates and Gojo but if he gets annoyed he'd go to a different place and hug you there. "Y/n give me a hug babyyy!"
-Big spoon because he feels like he's protecting you. Also likes small spoon.
-Study dates happen very often since you help him study.
-Will be a lot more of a clingy baby if he's tired and sick.
-You can never ever stay angry at him, just one just ONE cute little pout. That's just what it takes for you to forgive him.
-Massages, you guys massage each other.
-Butterfly kisses and quick peck on the lips!
-Always feels like carrying you but always bridal or piggyback style
-Intensely blushes when he sees you changing or wearing revealing clothes.
-Holding hands under tables, y e s
-Back hugs he loves does like i said he'd randomly come up to you and hug your back you do the same for him
-Always pulls you by the waist
-Teases you about your height, no actually he's always approach you with a "whats up shortcake" with many more alternative nicknames like : pipsqueack, shawty

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