Chapter 1~

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"Don't be late darling!" A woman yelled to her son. She had long silky maroon hair and yellow eyes to accompany the hair. The boy she called out to was already outside and about to close the door.

"Don't worry mom, I'm only going to volleyball practice!" The teen said, he had the hair of his mother but instead of being thin and silky it was curly and wavy, he also obtained his father's purple eyes. "Bye mom, bye dad!" He yelled before closing the door gently.

"Bye Jay!" His father yelled, the father had black curly hair and the purple eyes the son inherited.

Now we read as the young boy pulls out his phone and starts walking towards his school to arrive at his practice. It is 5:30 and practice starts at 6:15 so he had time to spare. As he was walking a notification popped up that interested the boy. He clicked on it and read; The Heroes that Rise. With the new interest, he started reading about the 5 main heroes, The Bow Hero, The Sword Hero, The Spear hero, all three had information on them but the other two only had the names, The Shield hero and The Chain hero.

Out of nowhere while he was Scrolling to find any information about The Chain hero, the phone started vibrating and the screen began to grow brighter until it suddenly stopped and there was no more boy holding the phone as it fell on the ground shattering the glass.


Needless to say Jay was caught off guard when he found himself inside of a church-
  like room standing in the middle of a circle with 4 other guys. Jay looked around in confusion until he felt a strange weight pulling down his arms. He looked down to his arms to see two brace-like things carrying chains in both with a purple crystal orb in the middle on top of what held the chains on both, one on each arm. "What the hell?" Jay said, confused, lifting his arms to inspect the new objects on his arms.

"Where am I?" One of the other boys said. Jay looked to the left seeing as he was on the right of everyone. The guy that asked about his location had black hair with blue eyes and a shield covering his left arm with a green crystal orb, same as Jay's. Jay then inspected the others. A blonde with red eyes, holding a spear with a red crystal where the staff ended and the spearhead began. A ravenette with crystal blue eyes, holding a sword with a blue crystal at the end of the hilt right before the blade began and finally another blond but with green eyes, holding a bow with a yellow orb in the middle.

"Fantastic, the summoning was a success! Brave heroes won't you please save our world from pure evil." The guy in a robe asked with a couple others in robes behind him.

"What?" All five said. 'Who are these guys?' Jay thought.

"What the hell is this? A shield?" The shield guy said, swinging his arm around.

"Yes I would like to know too." Jay followed while touching the chains wrapped around his wrists.

Ignoring the question, the robed guy continued speaking. "Please oh brave heroes, our world is in dire need of saving."

"Is this for real?" Shield says.

"What do you mean it's in need of saving?" Bow asked, playing around with his bow.

"The story behind it all is long and complicated. But suffice to say you are the Five Cardinal Heroes and you were summoned here using an ancient ritual." Robe says, "Our world is in a most fragile state, and teeters on the brink of destruction." Robe then put his hands together and slightly bowed. "So we beg you, oh brave heroes, please lend us your aid." Then they all bowed in front of us.

"I guess I could at least hear you guys out." Shield said.

"I believe that I am not going anywhere, anytime. Plus I would love to help. An-" Jay said before he got cut off.

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