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soon as you walked up in the spot,

꒰ sunwoo. ꒱

i am now on my way to seulrin's dorm. she said she didn't want to go anywhere so i'm gonna go to her instead.

cuz im a nice, understanding guy.

i finally arrived outside the building and entered.

i'm not sure if she's aware that i'm gonna pay a "visit" but i hope she's not.

i would be pleased to see her flustered face

i asked juyeon hyung ahead about her dorm room number so i know my way.

as i arrived in front of seulrin's dorm room, i knocked on the door.

it was quiet on the other side at first. is she not home?

a thud was then heard as i thought that.

i heard rather heavy footsteps from the inside and the door swung open all of a sudden.

"MIYOO, YOUR B─" seulrin widened her eyes as she saw me. "..oyfriend..."

i raised a brow, "boyfriend? me? you?"

before i knew it, the door was slammed on my face. how mean.

i then heard some voices coming from inside.

"who's out there?"

"haha- it's no one.."

"but i heard a knock?"

"it was a r-raccoon."

"i also heard a voice.."

"a raccoon with a walkie talkie..."

silence then pierced in.


the door harshly opened once again, revealing seulrin's roommate, i guess.

the three of us awkwardly looked at each other for some time.

"oh, it's the simp"


"what the hell are you doing here?" seulrin asked me with a glare.

"i'm obviously sitting here im front of you." i answered.

she did not respond and continued to glare at me.

aww thats cute

i faked a chuckle, "can't you take a joke?"

when she didn't respond, i cleared my throat.

"i'm here to sign a friendship contract with you." i then smiled.

seulrin frowned and i heard her roommate stifle a laugh behind me.

"miyoo, get out, will you?" she told her. "just wait for your boyfriend outside."

'miyoo' then scoffed and stood up, "sure, you two."

"just don't make the friendship contract to a more advanced level." she added & winked before swiftly leaving.

seulrin sighed & turned to me again. "what 'contract' are you talking about now? are you sure you ain't the devil trying to take my fucking soul"

"a friendship contract, i thought about it while i was on my way here." i answered. "but being the devil isn't too bad, taking your heart is too."

her face then crumpled as i winked at her.

"it's a 'contract' so you could just tell some conditions or something and sign it, then boom, friendship." i proudly explained my genius idea.

her deep frown slowly faded as she lifted a brow. "conditions, hm?"

i smirked and patted myself in the back. good job, self.

i hummed in agreement and she actually thought about it.


my eyes widened a bit at her answer. "OMG REALLY?"

she sighed at my reaction and nodded. "just don't make me regret my decision."

i then handed her an empty piece of paper, "write your conditions here. i don't have any. "

after that, she started writing down things for like, 20 minutes??

"hey, how long are you gonna write those conditions" i tiredly sighed.

she then stopped writing and put down the pen on the table. "here, i'm done."


i slid the paper towards me and widened my eyes. "WHAT THE FUCK- WHY ARE THERE 87 CONDITIONS"

"just because."


"you never said a specific number of conditions."

i sighed in defeat, "please keep it up to five only."

seulrin clicked her tongue. "you just wasted my time and effort that i put into writing all of those."

it's not my fault you did, right?

though i wanna say those out loud, i kept my mouth shut, slightly irritated.

i'm a nice, sweet guy.

i lent her back the paper and she started erasing a lot of the 'conditions' she wrote.

after some time of grunting and scribbling, she finally finished.

"here, are you happy now?"

i looked at the contents of the paper full of scribbles.

'1. no permission, no touch

2. no talking @ uni


4. no telling hajoon my feelings

5. no going out'

"this applies to both of us, right?" i asked and she just hummed.

i then shrugged my shoulders, "eh, doesn't look too bad."

"but if one of us disobey any of those, they have to do something embarrassing in front of everyone, shirtless." she wore an evil smile.

i almost choked on my saliva.

"w-woah, you're so confident that you won't break any of those conditions that you suggest to be shirtless, huh?"

she shrugged, "just needed something to make sure you really do it."

is this even the same person who carelessly confessed to the wrong guy


[ a/n: ]



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2023 ⏰

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