take your time, Hyun.

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[Chan's POV]

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[Chan's POV]

I was outside getting groceries, and I may or may not have spent my money on something utterly useless but Felix wouldn't mind. He didn't care as long as it wasn't his money.

Going back home, I followed the same route I took, not forgetting to grab a coffee because I had another shift later tonight.

The neighborhood all in all is peaceful, crime rates low, financially stable, amazing people, and of course, good food. You could literally walk in to anyone's house at any moment and you'll be welcomed.

As I entered the door there was another pair of shoes on the shoe rack, they looked expensive. Felix didn't just- splurge again didn't he..?

I entered our abode, fixed what needed to be fixed, kept away all the groceries, and check up on Felix to see if he ate. I went upstairs to his room and gently knocked on the door, to which there was no response.

Assuming he was taking a nap, I tore off a small piece of paper and wrote down the words 'have you eaten?' with an underline underneath it. I slid it under the small space in between the door and the ground. He takes hours to actually get up after a nap.

Went back downstairs, grabbed a snack, turned on the television and sat down on the couch. Dammit, I haven't done this in a while.

Because of the overflowing work our company gives us, I'd either go home late or sleep until the late hours in the afternoon, or continue my shifts in my room using my laptop.

Company? JYPE. I'm actually a music producer there. I've made music for multiple artists from different companies too.

But here I am, managed to convince my boss to give me a day off, in a quiet household. It was kind of boring since Felix was asleep and Lana was outside playing with the other dogs. But hey, I got me some sleep.

A series of muffled laughter echoed throughout the household, it was coming from Felix's room.

Curious, the pitter-patter of my feet stepping on the stairs and gently knocked on his door once again. I heard a little 'yea?' and he continued laughing.

"Can I come in Lix?" I asked, making sure I wasn't invading anything happening on the other side of the door.

"Sure! I have someone to introduce to you~" he chirped, saying the last sentence in a sing song tune. Smiling I slowly opened the door and popped my head through the little space, my mouth forming a little 'o' shape as I saw stickers stuck on his face and him doing the same to someone else.

It was the prince..?

He noticed me and gave me a teethy smile, stumbling when he got up as some stickers fell from his face. He engulfed me around his arms and he was on his tip-toes, causing some stickers to fall on my sweater.

"How's your day off so far? Have you gotten any sleep? Hey that's mine." He asked, mumbling the last words but loud enough for me to hear. He took back the stickers that fell off on my clothes and sticked them back on his face. I nodded to his question, silently giggling.

"Anywho, how did you manage to hook up with the prince?" I wiggled my eyebrows, a few laughs coming from the room.

"I was cute, right Hyunnie?" Felix turned to his 'boyfriend' with a pout.

"Yes, you were very cute." The royal cooed.

"Even if he's the prince I won't hesitate to whack his ass if he makes your heart shatter to teeny tiny pieces." Hyunjin put his hand to his heart, exaggerating how shocked he was.

"I would never dear sir!"

"Good, now come here and let me have a word with you." I gestured him to come over, to which he followed.

"Hyung! What are you going to talk about!?" Felix asked.

"Ask if he's good in bed."




I offered him a cup of hot cocoa, he immediately took a sip the moment he accepted it.

"So...there must be a reason you're staying over, isn't there?" He slowly placed down his cup on the center table, heaving out a sigh.

"You see, uhm...I have a month to make him happy."

I tilted my head to the side. He took this as cue to explain himself.

"My father has uh, settled fixed marriage." A lone tear fell down the side of his cheeks, I patted his shoulder trying to comfort him.

"I see, I suppose you can't change your father's mind can't you?" I asked, to which the royal nodded, wiping off what has fallen down.

"Would you let me...stay?"

"Sure...take your time, Hyun." I gave him a smile of sympathy.

Poor boy, can't love who he wants to love.

[next chapter is a fluff chapter since it's Hyunjin and Felix giving cuddles and doing what cheesy lovers do 🥺]

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[next chapter is a fluff chapter since it's Hyunjin and Felix giving cuddles and doing what cheesy lovers do 🥺]

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