Beauxbatons and Durmstrang

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The next day, all the Hogwarts students were gathered outside to meet the guests who were coming to Hogwarts for the year. As the Durmstrang students arrived, Headmaster Igor Karkaroff came to greet Dumbledore. As well as Madame Maxine, the headmistress of Beauxbatons. Once they all arrived, Barty Crouch arrived.

"What's he doing here?" Ron asked the other three friends. All of the shrugged their shoulders. As they walked inside to the great hall, Carson had his arm wrapped around Hermione's shoulder, as she leaned into him. Once they found their seats, they sat down and went back to that position.

"Please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic!" Dumbledore announced as many beautiful girls walked in, doing a dance of some sort. All the boys, except Carson, couldn't take their eyes off of the girls.

"They're veela!" Ron shouted, Harry nodding.

"No, they aren't! Their daft dimbos that's what they are! Eyeing my boyfriend like a piece of meat..." Hermione huffed, watching a few of them eye Carson and Harry.

"Hermione, calm down. I love you and nobody else." Carson said, kissing her cheek. Hermione smiled victoriously and kissed his lips, making sure the French girls were watching.

"Blimey. That's one big woman." Seamus said, seeing the headmistress walk into the room. She had to be part giant, maybe full giant, she was taller than Hagrid!

"Madame Maxine, a pleasure to welcome you to Hogwarts." Dumbledore greeted, her sitting down in her seat.

"Ah, Dumbly-dorr, you are well yes?" Madame Maxine asked, "Blooming."

Next up, there was a boom. The floor was hit with poles, as the Durmstrang prepared to make their entrance.

"And now...our friends from the north! Please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang!" Dumbledore announced the Bulgarians making their way in, Krum among the students.

"Dear old Hogwarts, it so..." Karkaroff started, "Perfectly imperfect?" Dumbledore finishing for him as he gives a forced smile.

"Igor." Snape said emotionless.

"Severus. Long time, no see. And Barty, almost didn't recognize you. You look so...tired these days. Are you getting enough sleep?" Igor asked. With a snap of the headmasters finger, the students of Durmstrang made their way in.

"Oh my god! It's him!" Ron said, as he noticed Viktor Krum was with the students. Ron fangirled for a few minutes, as the Hogwarts school song played.

"Ah, music. A magic beyond all we do here." Dumbledore said cheerily as they finished the song.

Ron continued to stare at Krum who was eating at the Slytherin table, as Harry stared at Cho Chang who was at the Ravenclaw table. Carson and Hermione were talking to each other, making heart eyes at one another, and sharing kisses.

"Brilliant isn't he?" Ron asked, watching Krum eat.

"He's eating." Hermione said in an unamused voice. She was not impressed by Krum, not at all.

"Why d'you suppose they've been put at the Slytherin table?" Harry asked, as Carson shrugged his shoulders.

"Birds of a feather. Durmstrang puts a lot of emphasis on the Dark Arts." Hermione explained to Harry, as she had gotten this information in a book she had read over the summer.

Hearing what she had said, Harry glances over to Karkaroff, and to Dumbledore as he stood up again.

"I would like to say a few words before we bring in the casket." Dumbledore said, gaining everyone's attention.

"Casket? Did he say casket?" Neville asked nervously.

"Eternal glory. That is what awaits the student who wins the Triwizard Tournament. But to do so, that student must survive three tasks. Three very dangerous tasks" Dumbledore announced to the great hall.

"Wicked." George and Fred said together in sync.

"You see, the Triwizard Tournament has an unfortunate history of killing off its participants. For this reason. the Ministry has seen fit to impose a new rule. To explain, we have the Head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation, Mr. Bartemius Crouch" Dumbledore started, as the door swung open to reveal Mad eye moody, a famous dark wizard catcher.

"Bloody hell. That's Madeye Moody." Carson said, shocked.

"Alastor Moody, the auror?" Hermione asked, Carson nodding his head.

"Auror?" Dean Thomas asked, confused.

"Dark wizard catcher. Half the cells in Azkaban are filled because of him. Supposed to be mad as a hatter these days. Sees deatheaters in his dustbins." Carson explained to Hermione and Dean.

As Moody walked to the table, he drank out of his hip flask.

"What's that he's drinking you suppose?" Seamus asked the group of Gryffindors.

"Don't think it's pumpkin juice." Harry answered, fascinated by Moody.

" you were saying." Dumbledore said, getting his attention back.

"After due consideration, the ministry has concluded that, for their own safety, no student under the age of seventeen will be allowed to put forth their name for the Triwizard tournament. This decision is final." Crouch said, reading off a piece of parchment.

"What?!" Fred said, "That's rubbish!" George continued. Other outcry's of younger students were voiced, before Dumbledore took control again.

"Silence!" He shouted, all noise disappearing in the great hall.

"Thank you."

With his wand, Dumbledore taps the casket, to reveal a giant goblet with blue flames spewing out of it.

"The goblet of fire. Anybody wishing to submit themselves in the tournament need only write their name upon a piece of parchment and drop it into the flames within the next twenty-four hours. Do not do so lightly. If chose, there is no turning back. As of the moment, the Triwizard tournament has begun."

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