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When the crown falls so will darkness

It was a cool november morning, The moon was still out as the sun slowly started to make its way up in the sky. As she started to get up, her feet touched the cold laminate floor. She elevated herself until she was finally standing on both feet. She put her right foot forward as she headed down the long narrow hallway to the kitchen. She was greeted by darkness until she turned on the light. The sizable kitchen was instantly illuminated by a scintillating light. She immediately squinted as she had just woken up and the light was blazing. She trudged to the fridge with nothing but hunger in her thoughts. She opened the fridge to see what she could devour, just then the phone started ringing. She sighed as she stood up, closed the fridge, and walked over to the phone. She answered the phone, still a bit groggy, and said "hello". There was a man on the line. He told her she needed to get to the palace as soon as possible. She quickly hung up the phone and completely forgot about breakfast. She had to make sure she got to the palace on time so that the king wouldn't get mad. She ran to her room and picked out a big elegant dress. It was a dark red, burgundy almost. It had special gold accents with gold fringe and gold cuffs around the sleeves. It was custom made and the dress seemed like it was sculpted just for her body. See, her dad was the king, he hated when she was late and he considered it unacceptable for a lady to be late. She slipped on her black boots and ran out of her room and down the corridor. Her hair that was as black as the midnight sky flowing behind her as she ran down the corridor. Once she reached the door she stopped for a moment to catch her breath. She collected herself and calmly opened the door. She ever so slightly opened the door to take a peek inside. Same as usual, her dad sitting on the throne dishing out orders. She straightens out her posture and starts to make her way into the substantially sized room. "Alexandria I called you here for a very important discussion". "Yes, what is it father?" she said shakely as she was unsure of what he would say. "You're going to get married to a prince from another land." Alexandria's breath hitched, she didn't want to go somewhere else let alone marry someone she's never met. "In the agreement, if you marry him I will get land and a great deal of money". She just stood there unsure of what to say, she wanted to protest but knew it wouldn't do any good being as her dad had the last word. Her mom sat on her throne looking as cold as usual. "A chariot will be arriving this morning at 8 to pick you up and take you to the realm you will be spending the rest of your life at". Alexandria nodded as she turned around her dad said one last thing. "Don't leave anything behind, we want no remnants of you after we have another child we want to forget you existed". Alexandria complied with his wish, she packed up everything leaving no trace. She didn't cry, no no, not at all, she was used to the coldness and harshness from her parents. She glanced at the clock and it read "7:37 am". She grabbed her suitcase and the rest of her belongings and started to head down to the dirt road where she would soon be picked up. As she was making her way to the road the memories from everywhere she walked past in the palace came flooding back. The memories from when she would be playing in the garden with a cat she met up with everyday. The memories of her and her mom picking flowers. Alexandria's parents weren't always cold to her, when she was little up until she was about 7 they cared for her a great deal. However, when they realized they needed a male heir to take over the palace they just stopped talking to her. They thought that after so long she would have just left but she never did. She knew this isn't what either of her parents wanted. She didn't realize till several minutes had passed that she was just standing still looking into the garden and onto the horizon. She quickly started to make her way to the dirt road because she didn't want to be late as her first impression.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2021 ⏰

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