Chapter 1

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The dwarfs were planning and attack but the dragons wanted peace. In 1999 the dwarfs deceived the dragons to steal the dragons' gold. Owen the dragon said, "How will we intercept the dwarfs?" the leader dragon said, "I don't know." One of the dragons saw Ashley the dwarf who loves to conceit herself and he saw Alex the dwarf with a very long receipt and Alex saw Josh the dragon he threw a projectile at Josh making him sacred. Josh took a very short trajectory to get back to his home with the other dragons. The leader of the dragons who is Josh's father asked his son who made him sacred. Josh said "Alex." Josh's dad did not have all the conjectures and he was not willing to be receptive because he was mad to know his ex-friend's son made his son sacred. Alex's dad had a concept on how to keep the dragons away. Josh wanted his dad to be a perceptive father for once but Josh thinks that will never happen.

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