"Dude is about to get his ass whooped if he keeps staring at you.  I thought he was with the trollop."  Nyx is getting more and more agitated but her face is a perfect picture of calm.

Izzy sighs, "I thought so too.  What do you think we should do?"

"I think we should wait a little longer before we tell them anything.  I don't trust Star or Michael."  Nyx made a good point.  They decided to not tell the boys about what they are.  At least not around those two. 

"Chow time!"  Everyone was brought back to the moment when Marko entered the cave with a Chinese takeout.  He handed Nyx a container of noodles, Izzy got some fried rice, and Michael was handed steamed white rice.

"Guest first,"  David said with a devious smirk as the containers were being passed out.

"They're planning something.  Should we pay along?"  Nyx asked her sister.  Opening her container and taking a bite with those cheap wooden chopsticks.

Izzy gave a small, devious smile behind her hand, "Probably to prank Michael more than us, but I'll play along."  Izzy was using a plastic spoon for her rice, she wasn't really hungry but they needed to keep up appearances for now.

"So, how are those maggots, Michael?"  David asked before taking a bite of his noodles.

Michael looks up from his rice, spoon halfway out of his mouth, "What?"

"Maggots, Michael.  You're eating maggots.  How do they taste?"  David is trying not to laugh.

Michael looks inside the container and sees thousands of squirming maggots.  He spits the mouthful he has out and drops the takeout box.  Spilling nothing but white rice on the ground.

The boys all laugh, while Star tells them to leave him alone.  David catches Nyx watching the scene in front of her.  She could feel a presence trying to enter her mind. Keyword there, trying.  Turning back to Michael, David offers his noodles.  However, all Michael saw was worms.

"They're worms."  Michael gave the takeout box back to David.

"Worms?"  David takes some of his chopsticks and scoops up some noodles, "They're just noodles, Michael."

"That's enough!"  Star tries to get them to stop picking on Michael.

Paul huffed at Star, "Calm down girl."

Things have calmed down a bit when Nyx catches Michael staring at Izzy again.  She grips one of her chopsticks and throws it at Michael with such force it embedded itself into the stone wall next to his head.  Everyone stopped what they were doing, looking back and forth between Michael and Nyx.  Michael gulped in fear, Nyx is furious. 

"Is there a problem?"  David asked them both.

Nyx takes a deep breath to get her anger under control before leaning forward and speaking in a calm, cold tone of voice, "Keep your eyes off my sister before I cut them out with a spoon.  You have your two-bit hussy.  Stay away from my sister."  Nyx gave her noodles to Dwayne as she passed him on her way to Izzy's side.  "You ready?"

The guys had expressions of either amusement(The Lost Boys), amazement(Laddie), or fear(Michael and Star).  Michael sat frozen for a moment before turning his head to look how close the wooden chopstick came to being embedded in his head and not the wall.

Izzy nods her head.  She hands her rice to Marko.

"Do you have to go?  The night is young."  Marko sounded so dejected.

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