Just The Two Of Us --- Like Minds

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• Speirs knew women weren't supposed to jump, but he couldn't have been more proud and amazed to watch you jump that first time even if your landing was a little rough.
• The war was almost over and you were coming in as a replacement medic for one of the men in the 506, but Speirs made it damn clear to Winters he wanted you in Easy Company. Winters would figure something out with Col. Sink and get you put in Easy.
• The first person you talked to when you landed on the ground was Speirs. You'd heard the rumors about him, but you were drawn to him anyway, and it seemed he was drawn to you too.
• Speirs made it his mission to watch out for you, more than he did for his other soldiers. You were in the biggest sort of danger and Speirs definitely didn't want anything bad to happen to you. Plus he's a bit of a magpie and he considers you his.
• The first time you came off the line and Speirs was able to get a full look over on you to assess any damage, when you were in his billet, he couldn't help but get angry.
• His anger wasn't directed at you though. He was angry with those damn Germans. They had to keep shelling and shooting at you.
• You were covered in cuts, scratches, bruises, you name it. Ron asked you if they hurt and you told him no. He asked you if you needed him to change any of your bandages and you said no because you're a medic you can take care of yourself.
• Ron asked you if you'll let him do anything to help you. You kind of do a double take to make sure you were looking at the same Ronald Speirs that you've gotten used to. You decided to test your luck and asked if you could take his bed over for the night. Without even thinking he'd said you could take the bed and he'd lay on the floor.
• That wasn't exactly what you were hoping for when you asked. You suggested that maybe you share the bed. The smile Ron gave you was one you'd never seen before, it almost seemed genuine. He just nodded his head and you climbed into the bed. You were out like a light once your head hit the pillow.
• When you woke up, Speirs was wrapped around you. His legs entangled in yours and his arms around your stomach. If you knew just getting some bumps and bruises would let Speirs show a more soft side.
• When Speirs woke up, you pretended to still be sleeping and he kissed the back of your head and held you a little tighter.
• You yawned and stretched your arms above your head to sell you just waking up. Speirs let you go. You roll over to look at him and grab his arms to wrap them back around you. Speirs gave you a sleepy smile and leaned in to kiss you.
• You smiled at him and said what's this Speirs, you going soft on me. He smiled and said only for you. You smiled and said good otherwise I'd have to kill ya. He smiled and even gave a small laugh. You lean and kiss him.
• This relationship between you and Speirs continued to grow and when the news finally hit that the war was over, you were almost sad to be going home while Speirs was staying in the army.
• Speirs slipped you his home address and told you to make yourself at home and that he'd be home soon. You said well thanks for the offer but you were going to stay right where you were and work for the army. He smiled and said well then I'm glad to keep you around.
• You two continued to serve in the Army and everytime you were wounded or you had to jump, Speirs would be even more on edge and his soldiers knew to not fuck up. Speirs only let his guard down around, and you only let your guard down around him. It's what makes you two work well together.

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