Chapter 1: Introduction

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At the age of 16, I was imprisoned with my grandmother. My mother and father was killed by a Goldwagon, who's ruling this planet now. Since I was the only child, I was next to the throne. But, they force me to pass it to Olivia Goldwagon, while I grow older. Because according to the rules, you can't rule until you're 18 years above. Olivia has a daughter, same age as me, and I bet she will give the throne to her daughter and not to me. But my people are my people. So I will retrieve my throne, no matter what becomes of me.

My grandmother told me that, if I reach the age 18. All my powers have already completed. (By that, it means, my powers have fully awaken and it all appeared already.) My grandmother also told me that in our Royal Family, all the powers on the planet will appear into us. (That means we all have the powers.) And that is the reason why my ancestors ruled the planet EXOtic. We were praised for being powerful, intelligent, patient and beautiful. For the centuries have passed. The throne is always passed to the eldest among the siblings. And my grandmother is the eldest. If you're wondering, "Why can't you just give back the throne to your grandmother?" No, that's impossible. Why? Because once the throne has been passed to your son or daughter, your powers will start decreasing until you only have one power left (Random power) and become like a normal subject. But you still have the Royal blood. And the advantage of being normal is that, they won't easily find out that you came from a Royal Family.

Nobody have ever seen the Royal blood before. Only people who has the Royal blood have seen their blood. And it once said that if you drink a cup of Royal blood. You will become one and have all the powers at the right age. So the Royal ones have ordered to guard the palace at all times. Because once that they found out that you're a Royal one. They will immediately kill you, whatever it may cost. But of course, if you're related to the current ruler, you can't kill them or else, your whole family will be tortured and be killed in front of your very own eyes.

When a Royal one dies, their eyes will become bright yellow, then Rainbow color... Once it turned Rainbow color, it is confirmed that you're from a Royal Family. After a few minutes, the pupil will shrink until it's out of the sight. Only the Rainbow color can be seen. It will only be bright yellow if you don't have any Royal Blood. And it is also said that, for the people who drank a cup of a Royal one, when it dies, it will also turn into bright yellow and then Rainbow color but the Rainbow color will only appear half of the eye. And half of it is bright yellow.

About the powers, there are 14 powers in the planet. There are Ice, Telekinesis, Flying, Water, Healing, Light, Fire, Thunder, Earth, Time Control, Teleportation, Air, Portals and Illusions.
"What's the difference between Teleportation and Portals?'" Well, for Teleportation, you yourself should be included while traveling. And only 2 persons can join while you teleport. On the other hand, Portals, you can open a portal anywhere and you can teleport people with or without you joining because there is no maximum people in portals. Portals can't be closed on it's own. It is need to be closed by anyone who have the power of Portals. But the thing is, Portals are very rare. Same with Illusions, the two powers are very rare. It is so rare that only the people who are next to the throne are the only ones who are expected to have those powers. But it can also appear to some Royal ones even though they are not next to throne.

I had my very first power when I was a 5, the first power was Flying. At first, I was terrible at flying, but now I've mastered it already. And every year passes, on my own birthday, another power will appear. And I always needed to master every power I have. That's why when my power of flying appeared, my dad taught me how until I mastered it. Then, the next was Light. Mom taught me how to control it. In every year, I'm always focused on one power.

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