When they arrived at the hotel room, Minho knocked which was opened by Hanmi who is all ready and looking like a princess with her flower crown.

"Aesel! You're here! Papa, Daddy and sister Aesel is here!" she shouted while jumping before widely opening the door, revealing Jisung in a tuxedo together with Sungho. Minho gasped, the last time he saw Jisung on a tuxedo was on their wedding, he couldn't believe his eyes so hurried towards Jisung and stopped in front of him only to look at him like a treasure with sparkling eyes.

"You look stunning, Hanie." He said, looking with obvious heart-eyes at Jisung which made the younger chuckle. Jisung pinched Minho's nose and smiled.

"I always do, Min." he said before smiling sweetly at the older.

"How about me daddy? Do I look good too?" Sungho asked and Minho chuckled before lifting him up to his arms.

"Of course, Sungho! You're our little prince!" He said while pinching his son's cheeks.

"How about me? Do I look like a goddess?" Hanmi asked before flipping her hair. Jisung chuckled and also lifted her up.

"Yes, baby. You look like one!" he said before caressing her wavy hair, he felt very happy and amused as he looked at themselves, they really look like a family and there's nothing else he could've ask for.

Aesel looked at them from the door, hesitating to leave or not. She was smiling the whole time while watching the family, it was something she loved seeing, from Minho being fixed marriage with Jisung, to them being married, then them having the twins. And now they're in front of her smiling widely after Jisung went missing, it was a relief for her as she saw how Minho and the twins felt lonely.

She was about to leave when Jisung called her, she was like Jisung's little sister before and he missed Jisung just like how the others did, she just doesn't show her emotions a lot.

"Aesel! Aesel right?" he asked, looking dearly at her, feeling the light connection he feels with her. Aesel smiled and nodded, "Hi! I heard that we we're close before, I'm sorry if I could remember you-" he was cut off by Aesel suddenly bursting into tears while walking towards her and hugging him.

"It's okay, Jisung. It's okay, don't say sorry, you don't have to. I'm just so happy that you're alive and kicking, please don't go missing again or I would lose my shits please." She said, bawling her heart out, she doesn't have a lot of friends and only Jisung was the one who made her feel like she was also worth befriending to, when Jisung was gone she felt very lonely.

"Sssshh It's okay, I'm not leaving or going missing again. Don't cry or your make up will be ruined."Jisung warned making her stand up in realization that she just finished making up herself. "Just kidding, your make up still looks amazing, stop crying now, okay?" Jisung comforted bringing a smile on her face.

"Minho still haven't change and the ceremony is in an hour, do you want me to play with the twins first?" she asked, trying to give the couple a time of their own, she can still see the lovey-dovey atmosphere between the two, she isn't studying Psychology for nothing lol.

"Yes please, Felix said there's a kiddie section on the reception where the kids can stay. Kindly watch over them for a couple of minutes." Minho asked. The twins shouted in joy as they heard it, Aesel was someone different from their uncle Felix, she tend to let them play and explore new thing on their own with her assistance and let them learn new things other than playing.

"No problem, just call me if you need anything. Come on twinnies, let's start exploring!" they said before they left.

Jisung got Minho's tuxedo from the bed which was newly ironed and gave it to him.

"Here, I ironed it again just to make sure everything is straight." he said before smiling at him.

"Sadly, we aren't, Hanie." Minho said and chuckled.

"I know, love. Now ch-"


"I said you go changed..?"

"You called me love..."

"I did so what- Oh my gosh, I did!?" Jisung asked in shock as he didn't know what he just called his husband. "That was a mistake maybe you heard it wrong?" he tried to lighten up the tension as Minho was now pulling him closer by the waist.

Their faces are only inches away, he could feel Minho's breath and can smell his unique scent.

"You never make a mistake, you're perfect , love."


I'm so sorry that I can only publish this today, I was so busy making accounts for whosfan that I forgot to edit and proof read the other chapter.

Did yall saw their performance on Kingdom!? They ate that shit up! Idk I was actually waiting for Hyunjin to come out the pressure cooker just like other stays said but lol were just clowning ourselves! And Kim Seungmin! Hello, Mayfly won with 3:0 please I feel so bad for the other team, they did well too and I'm still proud of them, especially the one who cried from SF9 please he deserves to be praised too! Eunkwang and Jungho did well please I might really stan Ateez after kdom!

Anyways, Straykids' is already out, make sure to stream it! The goal is 3M in the first 24hrs!

Stay safe and God bless!

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