i cant im sorry

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POV anna
We we're heading upstairs we got to my room eva sat on my bed and I grabbed the tv remote and asked her what she wanted to watch "anime" she whispered "hmm I've heard of it but never watched I guess I'll try" I said smiling I put on a episode she was really into it I thought it was really cute how she was watching she was all the way at the end of my bed and my room was really cold "hey Eva are you cold" she looked over at me "yeah it's a little cold" I went to my closet and grabbed one of my sweaters then went over to her "here let me help you she took her shirt off I wasn't expecting that but I'm not complaining she had a black bra underneath I put the sweater over her head and pulled it down hitting her boob "whoops umm I'm sorry eva" she got really red "it's okay I don't mind" she said smirking woahhhhhhhhhhhh what did that mean "hey it's still cold so you mind cuddling with me" she said in a small whispering voice okay that was adorable I thought to myself I took of my sweater leaving me in my baggy t shirt I dimmer my led lights and got in bed I put my arms out and she came and layed on my chest she hugged me while still watching the tv I played with her hair that smelled like vanilla shortly after the episode she moved her whole body onto me I got butterflies as she looked up at me with her hands around my waist she then whispered in my ear "your so pretty" i looked her in her deep brown eyes "your gorgeous eva" she blushed putting her face into my neck smillimg I wrapped my arms around her squeezing her "hey Eva" she looked up at me "won't we have to go to your house to get your clothes and stuff" she looked a little sad "yeah can we do it tomorrow after school?" I nodded "look I'll come in with you" she smiled then kissed my cheeck "thank you boon" I unwrapped my arms "hey what's that for" she asked "can I lay on you now she got up off me and layed on her back I layed in between her her legs facing her laying on her stomach I lifted her sweater and rubbed her stomach she had fallen asleep within 10 minutes I turned to tv off and cuddled up to her she woke up a bit and wrapped her arms around me then kissed my head "goodnight boony" I looked up "goodnight bub" we then fell asleep

next day
POV eva
Last night was so adorable we cuddled all night to sleep I had the best sleep I have ever had in a long time I woke up at 6 I wanted to skip today and lay in bed with Anna and get all my stuff or maybe we could go on a drive or something anna was lying on me she looked so cute when she was sleeping I reached over for the closest phone it was Anna's I saw her Lock Screen was us me sleeping on her she probably took that last night I sent it to me in her contacts I then went on insta holy shit a lot of girls and guys dm her but she doesn't answer any of them except mine she chose me out of all of them I felt good 😌 I know it's been only a couple days but I was definitely falling for her this girl is perfect I checked the time it was now 8 we are definitely skipping today or we are late anna stretched making a adorable face "hey beb" she said in a small calming voice "hey Anna" I said back I was still on her phone she noticed "what ya doing on my phone" she asked waking up a little more "I don't know I grabbed the closest one cuz I didn't wanna wake you up" she made a pouty face "thank you bub" she looked kinda worried "uh Also we're skipping today it's 8:30" shit we slept in well I slept in "okay we can stay in bed a little longer then maybe go on a drive and then to your house to get your stuff" she seemed content "I'm gonna have a quick shower" she nodded and went back on my phone I had a quick shower then changed into sweats with a sweater and came out to her still on my phone "hey Eva wanna go on a drive you can wear one of my sweaters and some jogging pants "yeah of course" she said going to my closet I love how she feels at home here we got ready and got to the car I gave her aux and she played some rap as we were on our drive she reached over to my hand and held it I smiled at her I moved my hand to her thigh she looked nervous but okay with it we sang and I squeezed her thigh a bit seeing her get all red was hot

POV eva
ANNA had her fucking hand on my thigh i didn't j jw how to contain myself so I just held her hand on my thigh all red we drove to get some food then we went to my house luckily no one was home so I grabbed some of my stuff and Anna carried all my clothes to the car and we headed somewhere but Anna wouldn't tell me where as we were driving her hand was back on my thigh she was making circles with her thumb which gave me chills she got higher and higher till we parked in a parking lot with no cars she got out of the car and opened my door and helped me out "this is where I come when I'm stressed" she said it was beautiful the view was amazing the grass was so green she sat down lower down on some grass it looked wet so I just stood beside her she was just breathing in the fresh air "you can sit on my lap I don't mind" she said still looking I sat on her lap and she held my stomach with her hands "Anna" I said with butterflies I turned towards her she was smiling "yeah eva" I caressed her face "what are we" she looked around thinking "what do you want us to be" I thought to myself my past relationships were horrible should I maybe tell her or just say what I want to be with her "I want to be with you you make me so happy but crazy at the same time you make me feel comfortable and myself your absolutely gorgeous with your soft hair to your gorgeous sky blue eyes" I stopped woah that was a lot she looked flustered and in awe "eva I feel the exact same way from. The moment I met you" so the feelings are mutual we are both in love we cuddled till the sun set then went home.

(Ayooo so I'm gonna skip it a couple weeks to when they go to justala house or maybe I'll do justacontent house idk but update later tonight)

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