3 - Trouble

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Seven lay on the ground as he heard steps approach, he knew they thought he was immobilized from the pain, after all, he was shot twice and his foot was injured.

"Looks like we've finally found him." One of them said, distinctly male "Good thing he was already slowed down." He was nudged by the gun barrel, where he suddenly sprung over and grabbed it, pulling the person who had it down while two other shouts sounded as well, but by the time they tried to point their weapons at Seven, they faced one major problem.

There Seven was, keeping himself stable while his knife rested at the other's throat.

"What do you want." It wasn't phrased as a question, the three knew. Seven was ready to take someone's life if they did not answer him.

"We want you." The tallest, a male with a white mask said, his blond hair dirty with blood and matted in knots.

"Why is that." Seven was growing impatient an woozy, but he had to hold out for a while until Cooper was able to tell the others.

"Because we've heard you'd be a valuable asset." The tallest replied once again

"What is is you want from me, exactly." He held the knife tighter "In detail or I slit his neck."

"We heard you know where everything is." The shortest, a brunette wearing blue said, his voice being identifiable as British "We were wondering-"

"Over here!" A voice interrupted as running steps were heard, several people crashing through the branches to catch a sight of what was happening.

"Uh Oh..." The tallest muttered as his eyes landed on familiar faces

"Hey Seven..." One of Seven's companions seemed to know the group as well "Put the knife down..."

The male grumbled, releasing the other and flicking the knife back into his pocket, watching as the other scrambled away as Tubbo and Ranboo went to help him up.

"Dream?" Tommy asked "What are you and George and Sapnap doing here?"

"Looking for your guide." Dream answered "Heard he knows the way to the last city."

Everybody froze, save for Seven and Techno. They didn't know there was a city out there, in the wasteland of the world. Why hadn't Seven told them?

Technoblade knew what Seven had gone through, it had been a bonding moment, though sour, that they had gone through a few months ago.

Seven on the other hand,

"HOLY SHIT!" Tubbo crumpled under the weight of the taller, Ranboo having to let go as the older passed out due to blood loss.

"We'll talk about this later." Techno said, picking up the unconscious male and turning to walk back to camp

"You've made The Blade mad." Tommy made a face "That's not good."


Seven's eyes opened, unknowing of where he was at first, before groaning.

"Good sleep?" Someone asked from across the large tent

"We need to leave." Seven replied "Soon."

"Techno said the same thing yesterday, while you were still out." The other replied "You were out for a while."

"I don't even want to know, Philza." Seven said "But please, do tell."

The older laughed "Four days." he replied "Techno went out to get supplies."

"'Course he did. That fucker waits for nobody." Seven chuckled, sitting, barley wincing at the pain on his shoulder, he had been through worse, just felt bad to be reminded about it. "The others?"

"Mate, lay back down." Phil pointed at the taller with a knife, but not in a threatening way "You've gotta heal."

"I will live." Seven got up, grabbing a pair of crutches he had used as weapons on many occasions.

"Yeah yeah, at least this time it wasn't your fault." Phil said

Seven stuck out his tongue, a silver piercing standing out among the pink muscle as Phil laughed at the reaction, Seven making it to his feet fully, hobbling out of the tent, taking in the fresh air.

"Seven Mars!" His head snapped to the right, spotting a short brunette and a tall brunette running to him

"Tubbo, Wilbur." He replied with a chuckle

"Go back and lay down you crazy bitch!" Wilbur tried to take Seven's crutches, succeeding as he expected Seven to fall, but was surprised as the other stood on both feet "SEVEN!"


Wilbur groaned and gave the male back his crutches, Tubbo chuckling.

"We've to leave soon, Wilbur." Seven carried on, making his way to the abandoned campfire with charcoal still barley hot. "We aren't safe here now."

"We've been here for four days while you were out." Wilbur said "We're safe."

"More zombies while on patrol though." Tubbo supplied

"They smell blood." Seven looked over to the two "That's why we always leave when one of you all bleeds."

Wilbur groaned, running a hand over his face "Shit, you're right." he said "I'll go tell Tommy and Ranboo to pack." he ran off to find the two younger boys

"Those guys who shot you, we know them." Tubbo said "So they'e staying. Wilbur knew one of those five you and Techno saved, and so they're staying as well. I hope you don't mind."

"s'long as they don't fucking shoot me again we're good." Seven grumbled as he got over to his own shared tent to see one side packed, while his side had his laundry done, folded and placed next to the small bag he packed everything in. "Well, I suppose bein' out for four days isn't that bad in the end." He muttered, packing his small amount of things while Tubbo watched, making sure the other was doing alright on his own.

"What are we gonna do with the tents?" The male asked as Seven finished cleaning up his part

"Burn them." Seven looked over at Tubbo "We don't have enough room anymore, and the light should give us a head start."

As he swung his bag over his shoulder, yelling seemed to erupt in the camp, Tubbo looking back fearfully, sensing something was wrong. Both males hurried out of the tent, spotting the problem.

"We aren't leaving without knowing how far away that damned city is!" The tall blonde shouted at Wilbur "Whether your guide tells us or we take if forcefully!"

"We may have known you before all of this, but we trust Seven's judgement more than yours!" Wilbur shouted to the shorter "If he says we leave, we leave!"

"Why, Wilbur?!" The taller asked loudly "Why're you listening to someone you've known for barley a year?!"


"-I know what I'm doing." Seven said, making his way over "We wouldn't have to move if someone hadn't shot me." He glared at the trio, the one who shot him, a medium ravenette, had the decency to look guilty. "You will not get to know where that hell is."

"A city? Hell? Imagine that!" The blonde seemed to be tense and frustrated "We've been searching since that flyer back in California! We know you know where it is, Seven! So just tell us and we'll be on our way!"

"If you want to die, then go ahead!" Seven shouted "It's over in Alabama, a long ways away from here!" He glared at the trio "and if you want to take anyone with you, give that they want to go, feel free."

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