"Hey Seven!" Tubbo called, the male's head turning to see the shorter holding two bowls. "Hungry? I've just made dinner!"

"Oh thank God for you, Tubbo." Seven took his portion of noodles, which he had managed to snag a while ago, and ate, always happy for the tastes Tubbo had somehow managed to make. "You absolute deity."

Tubbo laughed, eating his own food "Not really, it's just a hobby. I hope you don't mind that thee's less than usual, the guests looked unhealthy." He said

Seven waved him off, mouth full "It's alright." he replied "You always give me too much anyway, along with Tommy."

"You both are too skinny!" Tubbo replied

"Shut it." Seven replied "We manage just fine."

"SEVEN!" he heard a voice call from across the camp, recognizable as British, though not Phil, Tommy, or Tubbo's voices

Seven sighed, before motioning for Tubbo to cover his ears, which the male did anyway. "SORRY TUBBO!" He shouted loud enough for the other to hear from across the camp. "But yeah, that was a bit harsh."

"No, you're right." Tubbo scratched the back of his head "I tend to worry over you both a bit too much."

Seven shrugged as the two made their way over to the storage tent, where Seven placed the bag of parts inside and walked with Tubbo toward the fire the others had, the two spotting the guests, where Seven noticed Tubbo was right, they were all skinny.

"Where're we headed next?" Techno questioned Seven as he took a seat next to him

"Well, the Earls planted traps where I ran off to, so there's no headed that way unless you want to spend the day struggling through ropes again." Seven replied "We're probably gonna have to get a move on soon."

Techno winkled his nose in distaste at the Earls's surname, he hated that family. "So that's how you managed to lose them?" Seven nodded, his face mask, which was black, on his chin so he could eat.

"SEVEN HOW ARE YOU SO STRONG?!" The tall blonde, Tommy shouted after hearing the guest's recounting of what had happened "HOW DID YOU LIFT THIS MAN?!"

Seven looked over to see that the group had taken notice of him, staring intently at him. He shrugged "I dunno Tommy." He replied "My foot fuckin' hurts though."

"really should let that heal." the tallest, who was also wearing a mask, said while reading a book

"Ranboo I simply know no rest." Seven replied before standing up, his plate still half full. "Anyway, I need to go hunt again, here." he passed the plate to the male who he saved, who stared it wide-eyed. "Tubbo, Anything you need?"

"Nope." The other replied, melting into his chair "Just get whatever."

"Dope. Tell Wilbur I say fuck him when he gets back from the bathroom." Seven said before walking off, swinging his arms around to loosen the joints.

As he made it into the forest, he took note of something else that was present as he walked in. Something unusual for the forest. It wasn't a zombie, but someone was following him, their steps loud enough to drown out the other sounds of the night as it started to turn dark. Seven turned quickly, his gun pointed at one of the guests, who froze.

"Dammit dude, don't scare me like that." Seven said, lowing his weapon, noticing that it was a male with wavy ish dirty blonde hair "What do you need?"

"Why did you save Joko?" He asked

"From one guy to another, you shouldn't question the kindness of others." Seven said "Especially since not many around would do what I have done for your friend."

"But why did you do it?" He repeated

"Who are you, anyway?" Seven dodged yet again

"Cooper, now why did you help Joko and why didn't you leave him and Charlie after you came back?" The male, Cooper, asked again.

"Listen-" Seven stated


Seven turned toward the sound. He knew it wasn't a zombie or animal. they aren't careful with where they walk.

"We're being watched." Copper said

"Yeah." Seven replied, keeping the other in his line of vision "We gotta get back to camp, now"

As Seven turned to run, a shot rung out, hitting his shoulder, and a stinging pain shot through it as he stumbled and fell, his foot pain flaring up to battle with the bullet wound. Seven heard Cooper shout and make his way over to the other, who was clutching his shoulder in agony

"Get out of here!" Seven pulled himself up "I'll be right behind you!"

"Bullshit you will!" Cooper replied

"Just go!" Seven pushed Cooper back shielding the male from an attack that might befall him as they both an, Seven significantly slower as a second shot sounded, this one catching his leg and hitting the bone, which made Seven crumple and fall, laying motionless on the ground.

He was in trouble.

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