Eneru slowly picked her up "It's a bit of a secret. For now, I order you all to your ordeals." The priests bowed and separated heading off in different directions to their ordeals. Eneru would disappear with the unconscious Mae in arms, appearing before the shrine. Some of the servants gasped in sight of this..a human in their territory?! How could this be?! What did their lord do?

"I'll need some servants to patch her and put her down on my throne when they're finished..one single screw up and you'll have a taste of God's wrath." Some of the servants began scrambling for some white cloth to use as bandage, a few other servants took Mae laying her down and began patching her. Eneru just stood over watching all of this happen. Yama then came to see what the commotion was and gasped. "Lord Eneru, apologies if this comes off as rude..BUT WHY IS THE BLUE SEA DWELLER HERE?" Eneru scoffed "I toy with some who will receive judgement first, then give them a taste." The servants finished patching her up and placed her on the couch like throne.

Eneru just waved his hand not speaking a single word, causing the servants to walk away and Yama for simply to head to the door and check on the divine warriors. 'What is with this blue sea dweller..why did I spare her life..what is it about this one that..is making me feel this way..' Eneru began to question. Thought after thought came to mind. "I'll have one of the servants write a note, and give her some food. You poor little thing, so vulnerable..any monster could've taken your small, but precious little life." Eneru would cup his hand onto her cheek. 'Her skin is soft..and her scent of lavender flowers. She seems like the light emits all the darkness that was Upper Yard' He'd walk out toward the door where Yama stood awaiting the next order. "I'll give her a couple days until I cast my judgement, pass along this order to the priests." He'd start to whisper the command, Yama nodded and disappeared off to Upper Yard down below.

Eneru walked back toward his throne, a smile on his face. "Consider this an act of God's mercy you poor soul. For most blue sea dwellers never made it out alive passing me..hm?" He noticed something in her satchel that she had on, something had fallen out..what looked to be..

"A devil fruit? It's shape of a star..how peculiar. You blue sea dwellers are sometimes filled with surprises." Eneru began looking through the rest of satchel. "Hm, log..books?" He'd begin reading through the first one he picked out. "Your name is Mae, Mae Galilea and you are a chronicler, it is a person who writes about people's adventures, thanks for putting down that definition, little mortal." He'd continue reading the rest of it to himself, laughing at some bits of the entries written down. "You've been on so many adventures your whole life." He'd slowly close the book. "While I've been stuck here..for the past 4 years...alone. While I do have my army, it doesn't really..help the fact that I'm alone." Eneru shook his head and placed the stuff back in her satchel. "No..everything is fine. Just take a deep breath and go carry out your power as God. I'll meet her later when she's awake again." He'd scoff and disappear.

After what seemed like forever, Mae slowly regained consciousness only to find a note and a small fruit basket. "What..happened while I was out and why is this room so dark with only a bit of light?" Mae would take a hold of an apple and began eating it. "Wow..I'm surprised that food up here in the sky tastes a bit better than down below!" Mae would put down the half bitten up apple and began reading the note.

Take this kindness as you will;
Consider this as a gift of God's divine intervention
For the God of Skypiea has taken mercy on you
Take this fruit as a token of your welcome

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