How Many Are There?!

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I woke up at 4:00 A.M. because I needed to make sure I have everything from this apartment.

Mrs. Fuller said I would be paid extra for working with the boys.... and I think it's because they're all pretty crazy, from what I've heard.

I got all I needed on, used the toiletries and packed them back in my bag.

By the time I was done it was 4:30.

You may think. You're going to be
Very. Late. if you actually live in New York.

But no, I live right next to the airport and I can get there in five minutes if I walk fast.

Upon getting to the airport I see Mrs. Fuller.

Walking up to her, eyebrows raised.

"Mrs. Fuller? What might you be doing here?" I asked.

"Oh, the band came here to go with you to Ireland." she smiled.

"Okay.... Where are they?" I shrugged.

"Over there in McDonalds. They demanded food. Or should I say he. Niall. He eats a ton of food, so make sure to hide your favorite snacks." she laughs.

"Alright. Will do." I chuckle, only to look that way and see Liam near the McDonald's. "Crap." I turn around, avoiding that direction.

"What's wrong?" she asks me.

"A guy ran into me at a coffee shop yesterday and he's in there." I point.

"Do you know his name?" she wonders.

"Liam. Liam Payne." I whisper.

"Oh." she turns red, a smile forming.

"What? Do you know something I don't? And is there any other restaurants in here?" I stare at her.

"No and Burger King is right across from here." she smirks evilly.

She just used my signature evil smirk. Darn. She knows me too well.

I glared and walked to Burger King, only to find a blond boy staring at the sign, puzzled at what to get.

"Go ahead." his Irish voice rings through my ears. What a sweet sound.

I love Irish accents.

"Thank you." I blush, walking forward.

I look at the menu and see what I want.

"I'll have an egg bacon cheese and sausage burrito with hash browns.... and a soda to stay." I nod, as the Irish lad stared at me (yes as soon as I know he's Irish I call him lad), and I paid for my food.

"I'll have the same as she had only three." he grinned.

"Three?" I snorted, accidentally out loud.

"Hey. A boy has to eat." his laugh so contagious.

I just shook my head and grabbed my food.

I got a soda and sat down, and a second later I see the blonde boy bounce over to my table and sit.

"Hello?" I gaze at him.

"Hi." he nods, taking a huge chunk out of his food. I tilted my head at the scene before me, "Aren'th you gonner eatsth?" he mumbles while having a mouthful of food.

"Aren't you gonna breathe?" I ask, making him giggle.

"Yes. Matter of fact, I'm breathing right now." he shook his head, almost dying of laughter at my red face.

"No. You're inhaling your food. How can you eat so much and then get on a plane?" I wonder, "I personally get nausea." I chuckle as he laughs.

"I eat like this normally..... and I'm really used to planes." He smiles.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2017 ⏰

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