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Just some random ideas here: 

Cats playing in a box.

Flowers blooming in the spring.

Santa Claus.

Mermaids swimming in the ocean.

Bananas ripening in a jungle on a deserted island.

An astronaut lost in space.

Candles slowly burning down to nothing.

Fragile vase shattering. 

Applying makeup.

Jumping on the sofa.

Catching a fly ball at a baseball game.

Winning the lottery.

Climbing a tree. 

Going to the movies.

Food-eating contests.

Something with lampshades?

Someone _____ your $700 _____!!!

What could possibly go wrong?

Time travel. 

The Internet. 

Sometimes when I walk into an art store I get super happy, because there are so many things I can do with what they have there. So many supplies and colors, and the possibilities are endless! 


That's just me taking stuff around me or that I've been thinking about a lot. Those are ideas. Not sure what you want to do with them, if you want to combine them, or write a scene based on one of them, or what. I just hope it helps!

Hooraaaaaay. Kay bye. 

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