Harry's eyes widened. "That's what brings you peace?"

"Are you judging me?" She twirled a knife threateningly.

Harry raised his hands in surrender. "I'm not that stupid."

The next few days passed like that. The four of them, sitting around and bickering, bringing up the idea of planning something for when Lupin eventually appeared, and Theo immediately shooting them down.

"I have a plan," he'd say every time.

"A back up plan, then." It was usually Hermione that tried to be the voice of reason, but sometimes Harry tried his hand at it. It never sounded right coming out of his mouth, as if he trusted Theo and whatever his twisted mind created.

The thought frightened Hermione. Harry had too much Gryffindor in him. Theo had shown an ounce of vulnerability and that was all it took to convince him.

She wanted to trust him as well. But Theo had more cunning in his pinky than all of Harry and Hermione combined. He could be genuine if it got him something he wanted.

And it was their lives he was playing with. Harry couldn't die here. There were bigger things at stake than a school boy crush.

"We don't need a back up plan."

The same argument. Over and over. Day in and day out. Eventually, Hermione would tire of it and leave to run. Draco would continue on pretending to read.

Sometimes she'd spar, but it didn't fill the void like it used to. Harry was taken down much too easily. He had always been more of a dueler, quick with spells and hexes, and if that wasn't effective he was fast and good at hiding. Hand to hand had never been his strong suit.

Her and Theo could carry on for hours, until things became too heated and they'd start fighting in earnest, angry that neither seemed to be able to best the other.

Curse words would fly, threats that neither of them would follow up on said, and there was a time she'd even had a grip on one of the knives before Draco shot forward and talked sense back into her.

He hadn't looked at her like she was crazed or an animal, but she felt like one nonetheless. The more comfortable she got with her wolf tendencies, the more they seemed to overtake her when she let her guard down. It was a dangerous game of tug of war, and her sanity was at stake.

Fight practice had been disbanded after that, which irritated Hermione to no end. There weren't many ways to get frustrations out, and the lack of space was starting to grind on all of them. She'd walked in on Harry and Theo kissing passionately over toast three times in the past week.

"Can't you find somewhere more suitable for that?" She barreled past them, eager to shovel down her own breakfast and leave. Attempt to forget the images that seemed permanently branded into her mind.

"Would you like us to go outside?" Theo asked. "Since you and Draco have laid claim on the bedroom."

"I find it hard to believe you don't realize the kitchen during the morning hours is not the best place for a tryst."

"Being caught is part of the fun."

Harry's face turned three different shades of red and Hermione fought the urge to slam a glass over Theo's head. He'd probably see it coming. Bastard.

Her eyes landed on Harry, feeling reckless and a little unhinged. She pointed a butter knife at him menacingly. "Enjoy it while you can. Once Lupin arrives, Theo's either dead or in handcuffs."

Harry merely lifted his chin. "And what about Draco?"

Hermione froze as her toast popped up. She grabbed it, forgoing the jam sitting on the counter and rushed out of the kitchen with as much dignity as she could muster.
Draco had made passing comments here and there about life after the war. Nothing she'd taken too seriously. Many people died during the war. On both sides. They were both at risk.

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