Chapter 1: Endings

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Fayola stared at her, glaring through her body, but Alana didn't understand why. What was wrong? Tears were welling up in Fayola eyes, they were at a complete impasse as the younger woman looked at her.

"It's not red, it's yellow," Fayola squeaked, gripping the bag of coloured frosting even tighter in her hand, and Alana's world seemed to crumble around her. "It's yellow, Allie!" Alana kept staring, what was she supposed to say?

"Fay, I- I love you," Alana croaked out, voice cracking as she tried to think of what she should say. "I'm sorry." She tried while Fayola squeezed the bag harder, frosting beginning to flow out onto the table instead of the cake between them.

"How could you do this to me! You knew! You fucking knew!?" Fayola shrieked, dropping the bag and taking two steps away from the kitchen island between them. Alana made her way around it, hands in front of her with palms pleadingly turned to the sky. "YOU MARRIED ME!" Fayola shouted at the top of her lungs while she looked nothing but appalled.

Everything was beginning to spin around Alana, what was she supposed to do? Or say? She felt like she was about to faint, her heart was a beating war drum in her chest, booming its way through her veins and to her head where it drowned out all of her thoughts.

"I still love you!" Alana tried again while Fayola was making her way out of the kitchen, twirling into the hallway as she hit the wall.

"How could you do this to me, Alana?" Fayola cried, grabbing her jacket. "Don't you see that it doesn't matter whether you love me or not?"

"Why not! Why doesn't it matter Fay!" Alana walked closer to her, trying her best to make her stay. "You always said love was the most important thing!" Tears were falling from her own eyes now, carving their way down her cheeks, leaving her chin, and hitting her shirt.

"Stop Allie! Of course, it fucking isn't!" Fayola shouted, madder than ever before. "I can't believe it took me three fucking years!... You took three fucking years of my life from me!" Fayola was grabbing all her things; wallet, keys, hat, gloves, scarf... all the while Alana was trying her best to plead with her wife, stop her from leaving.

"Fucking stop!" Fayola yelled. "I'm going to stay at the Diggory's... don't contact me." Fayola's lips curled in disgust as she looked back at Alana before slamming the front door shut behind her.

This was the end. There was no way back. How could she have been stupid enough to lie about something like this? What had she expected to happen? That Fayola would never realise they weren't meant to be?

Alana's back hit against their jackets and scarfs hanging on the wall, slowly sliding down as she tucked her knees into her chest. Her breath was shaky and rushed, tears still dashing down her cheeks, faster than ever before while she buried her face in her hands. Why had she done this to herself? How could she do this to Fayola while knowing how she would react? Alana hated herself for what she had done.

Days went by without any word from Fayola, their anniversary cake had long been thrown in the trash. Alana couldn't stand looking at it, she couldn't stand looking at herself. Whenever she passed the mirror in the hallway, she avoided it, staring down at her feet or anything else she could distract herself with. The worst thing was the wedding ring though.

She hadn't been sure whether or not to take it off for the first couple of days, but when the first week hit, she realised it was better to take it off. Alana knew her wife better than anyone, that was why it hurt so much more. She knew she wouldn't come back.

Cedric Diggory had stopped by before she took the ring off. He wasn't mad, of course. A man like him couldn't be. He spoke with Alana for a while. He was always understanding, and he knew she loved Fayola, but also knew that it didn't matter.

✔Love Isn't Enough ➳ George WeasleyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon