Chapter 1: Pearson

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Kara's POV 

My brother, Kaz and I were at our friend's house and we were sitting on our friend, Tom's bed. He was typing away on his computer. Tom has been our friend since the first day of middle school. Kaz and Tom are close friends, more than me and Tom. There is no doubt that he was hacking the school's website. I know that this is a bad idea. "Tom, This is a bad idea. Can't you earn your grades instead of changing them. Your parents are gonna notice."  

He is trying to change his grades before his parents find out and I know he is gonna get caught. He always gets caught. He did not look away from his computer and hit the school's firewall. "You don't understand. I wanna be cool, like you and Kaz." He spoke. I do not consider me and Kaz to be cool or popular. I mean Kaz and I like superhero video games and comics. Kaz is literally reading a Tectonic Comic. I forget which one he is reading.

"You are gonna get caught, Tom and you will have the wrath of your parents on you." I explain. Tom does not respond and keeps typing away. I know that he is ignoring me. If you are wondering what Kaz and I are doing at Tom's, we are just hanging out, and tomorrow we are going with him on his family trip, we are going with him on his family trip to a lake house. My brother, Kaz was next to me the whole time. He was quiet, but he smiled at me. "Let him do this, Kara. He tanked them on purpose because he wants to be cool. He is not doing anything wrong." He spoke.

"Thank you, Kaz." Tom says and goes back to typing on his computer.

"One, he is hacking into the school's website to change his grades. Hacking, and two, do not encourage him, Kaz! This is a bad idea." I say and there is a weird thunk noise.

"What was that?" I asked and then there was another thunk. Tom looks up from his computer. I was getting scared and moved closer to my twin. We all look at the window as it slowly opens and then a blond haired girl climbs halfway through it. It was my friends, Bethany Pearson, Tom's older sister.

"One word and you're dead." Bethany said and she finished climbing through the window. I knew where she was. She was on a late night date with that jerk, Ricky. I hate him. He is probably cheating on Bethany with someone else. He seems like that type. I mean, he tries to flirt with me. Um, no thank you, Ricky Dillman. I have a suspicion that Ricky is lying about his age.

"Hey, Beth." I say to her.

"Oh, Hi." Kaz said as he looked up from his comic book.

"Hi, Kara and Kaz" Beth spoke.

Tom gets up and walks over to Beth. "Are you crazy? If dad catches you, he is gonna kill you, he's gonna kill you."

Bethany turns to face the window. "Dad's not gonna catch me."

Kaz and I get up and walk over to her. We see Bethany smile and then she kisses her hand and wave at Ricky. GAG!

"I don't get it. What do you see in that guy?" Tom asked. Right now, I am thinking two things. This thing I am thinking right now is that Kaz is wondering that too. I am also thinking great, now Beth is going to go on a rant about Ricky. Thanks, Tom, not really. I am being sarcastic.

Ricky was in his horrible, disgusting yellow car, straight up mustard yellow car. Ew. He waves back at Beth. Then he yells, "Bye Babe!"

Now Bethany is going on a rant about Ricky. "You mean, other than the fact that he's good looking . . . . sensitive, romantic, funny and ridiculously athletic?" GAG!

I am sick of Ricky flirting with me, so is Kaz. It happens a lot, but that is Ricky for you. Before anyone else can say anything, Little Hannah came in, she was in her pajamas and she was holding her sock monkey. "Dad's coming and he's mad." She informs them.

"At who?" Tom asks for clarification. Kaz looked a bit nervous. I smile at my twin as if to tell him it is not you. Kaz does not necessarily respond well to authority, but he seemed to be okay today.

Hannah points to her older brother. "Tom."

At the same time, a deeper voice yelled the same name. It was Mr. Pearson, Tom's dad. I knew he was gonna get caught. Bethany grabs Hannah and they were both hiding behind Tom's door. Mr. P was coming down the hall. I could tell he was not happy. Kaz and I look down at the Tecton Comic. We were reading when Mr. Pearson came in. Well, Kaz and I were acting like we were reading, but we were listening in on their conversation. Tom was standing beside his bed, "What?"

Mr. P was not happy, not one bit. "If you are smart enough to hack into the school's website, then you are smart enough to pass math. Do you think that Bethany got accepted to Michigan by screwing around all the time?"

I knew Mr. P was gonna find out. I did not know how the conversation was going to play out. Tom was still standing there and seemed to be annoyed when he answered his dad. "Of course not. She got in because she is perfect." He spoke. Can I be honest? I really hate this Tom who tries to act like he is cool and popular. He doesn't care about anything, but himself. But, Mr P. corrected Tom. "No, You're sister worked her tail off, and that is exactly what I expect from you."

"Yeah. You're right, Dad. I-I-I don't deserve a family vacation. I should stay home tomorrow, learn my lesson." Tom answers. Kaz and I look at each other. We were confused by what Tom said. He answered differently, like the tom, who didn't care about being cool answered. We have no idea what the heck brought on his emotional 180.

Mr. P thought it was a joke. If it was he didn't fall for it, at least I don't think he did. "Oh, no, no. I am not taking that bait, kiddo. This isn't you. The bad attitude, the grades. What's going on?" Mr. P asked. I knew that Mr. P was right, this isn't Tom. He has always had this kind of obsession with being cool. It has seemed to have gotten worse because now he is pretty much failing every single class on purpose.

"Nothing." That was Tom's response. Really, Tom? Nothing? I am not sure if I believe that.

"I blame all of this for coming between this right here." Mr. P says as he points at all of Tom's tech stuff and then between him and Tom, "Some good old-fashion no-tech, family togetherness is exactly what we need." He said and unplugged Tom's computer, "So get some sleep. We're hitting the road at sun up. Oh, and you guys too." Apparently he found Hannah and Bethany. Beth smirked at Tom.

"That's our cue to go. Come on, Kaz. Bye Guys." I say as Kaz closes the comic book and gets up.

"Bye." Kaz says and then we hear Tom, Bethany and Hannah say bye. We walk down the stairs and towards the living room. "Bye Mr. and Mrs. P." Both of us say and then we walk out the front door. We head to our house.

"Kaz, I have a feeling that this vacation is not gonna be a hundred percent normal. It would be nice to be proved wrong. But, I think that we should take our blue mission suits with us. You know, just in case." I say.

My older twin smiles at her. "Good idea." After that we walked into our house. Kaz and I started to pack our suitcases. While I was packing, I remembered my computer, guitar and other things. My guitar case is black. I have a red acoustic guitar in it, and on the case, my first name is engraved on a plaque that is on it.

My suitcase is a big pink vintage looking one. I can wheel it around instead of carrying it. I don't have super strength. After I packed off my stuff, I checked in on Kaz to make sure all of his stuff is packed. Kaz's suitcase is light blue and he had everything packed.

After we were all packed, I went back to my room. I put on pajamas and went to sleep. Tomorrow we are going to the Lake house with Tom, Bethany, Hannah and their parents. 


Author: Thanks for reading chapter one of Evermore: Aliens in the Attic x Mighty Med Elite Force Crossover. 

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