Rebecca just stayed quit thinking about all the times that (Y/N) or Venom have gone full rage and she realised that she has never seen it, they can't be that bad tho right? Rebecca then looks around for (Y/N) only to realise that he's gone, meanwhile Tony and Rhodes have just saved everyone from Air Force One and made there way to the docks, Tony and Rhodes started their search as (Y/N) found her, Pepper was passed out so (Y/N) managed to wake her slightly only to hear.

Pepper: It's a trap...

Pepper then went unconscious again but before (Y/N) could do anything he was once again tackled in through the wall and went flying through the air and landed in the old cargo bay of the rundown ship, (Y/N) caught himself and slide on his knees to stop himself from sliding into something, when (Y/N) looked up he looked right into the eyes of Carnage... but this is the last time.

(Y/N): You ready to die?

Carnage: Are you?

(Y/N) growled at him and allowed Venom to come out, Venom and Carnage wasted no time in clashing and starting there last fight, meanwhile Tony and the Colonel run for cover behind a shipping container, Rhodes poked his head around the corner to see the Iron Patriot suit suspended above the oil tanker in the middle of the dock, Rhodes spotted that the president was inside the suit.

Rhodes: Oh, my God.

Rhodes then went back behind the container as Tony was watching their backs making sure no one sneaked up on them.

Rhodes: He's strung up over the oil tanker. They're gonna light him up, man.

Tony: Viking funeral. Public execution.

Rhodes: Yeah, death by oil.

The two were distracted by a tap on the side of the container, they both pointed there guns to the top of the container only to see Rebecca up there.

Rebecca: Wow, easy.

She jumped down and stood beside Tony.

Tony: Great your here... where's (Y/N)?

Rebecca: Last I saw of him he was heading towards the ship.

Tony: Ok, is that where he thinks Pepper is?

Rebecca: No, I think that's where he thinks Carnage is...

Rhodes: Carnage?

Rebecca holds her hand up to him telling him to stop, he did and she continued.

Rebecca: We might have to treat (Y/N) as a hostil...

Tony: What?

Rebecca: I think Venom had manipulated his mind into only going after Carnage and stopping everyone who gets in his way.

Tony: Now that you say it... he has been unusually quiet during this field trip.

Rebecca: We just have to be careful.

Tony: Ok, Pepper first... then (Y/N)... agreed.

Rhodes and Rebecca just nodded as they all thought that a Venom controlled (Y/N) was more capable of surviving longer then Pepper in her current state... how wrong they are... The trio run behind a forklift and follow it for a second before it was clear for them to get climb up the stairs and climbed onto a crane, as they climbed up a message ran through the speakers across the whole dockyard.

Speaker: Broadcast will commence shortly. Take final positions.

Tony and Rhodes get on the crane as Rhodes has his gun pointed everywhere he looks, Tony behind him as Rebecca turned into Toxin and is climbing around the dockyard discreetly trying to find any sign of Pepper or (Y/N).

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