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𝐈'𝐌 𝐅/𝐍 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐙, 𝐀 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋, 𝐍𝐎, 𝐀 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐒. i'm a princess. the princess of eldia. however this princess isn't sitting on her rightful throne... she is sitting on her bed; locked away in the tallest tower of a massive castle in ruin.

i read a lot of books. well mostly the ones displayed on the shelf. you could say that i've reread those books millions of times. it did get boring after reading for the seventh time. on rare occasions, i would sneak out of my tower and sneak around the ruined castle in search of books while trying my best not to get caught by the dragon.

in my favorite book, a princess is locked away in the tallest tower in a castles ruins. pretty similar to me, huh? anyways, this princess. she is destined for her prince charming's arrival. you see, this princess was put under a curse. she was a beautiful princess at day and a hideous ogre by night. true love's kiss from her prince charming will break her curse. the princess waits for her prince charming to slay the fierce dragon that guards the princess and save her from her tower & curse.

this destined me. i am now destined for my prince charming to save me.

i've read this book millions of times over and over again without getting bored. this must've been a sign for me. to tell me how to escape this dreadful tower. all i have to do is wait for my prince charming to save me from the isolation.

i was the perfect damsel in distress. a princess locked away in a tall tower with a fierce dragon guarding her. that's the life of a damsel in distress in my favorite book. i'm just waiting to be saved! like a damsel in distress.

let's not forget, i'm one of a kind. i was a gem lost in a coal mine. i was naturally beautiful to say the least. i've noticed how beautiful i've grown throughout my childhood and teenage years. i was quite confident with my natural beauty. my face had glass doll like proportions, perfect [curly, smooth, fluffy, etc] hair, and beautiful s/c skin.

i was the perfect damsel in distress.

however, my patience ran out slowly over the years.

i approached my astoria grand welton vendome cherry vanity. i placed my hands on the vanity and stared at myself deeply; in the mirror. i stared into my eyes that reflected off the mirror. my eyes weren't colored blue nor brown nor black like regular people. they were colored light maroon.

i always found that strange; having light maroon colored eyes instead of regular colored ones. in my books, normal humans would always have green, blue, brown, black, or hazel colored eyes. sometimes i would wonder if my eye hues were the reason why i was locked away in this tower.

could there possibly be a curse upon me?
well of course not! i don't turn into a hideous ogre at night like the princess in my book. so i'm obviously a normal human. maybe i'm just rare. like i said, i am one of a kind. but there's no way different colored eyes can determine if i'm cursed or not. right?

however, i do experience excruciating pain; almost twice a week! it's either terrible cramps or excruciating headaches. most of the time it's headaches. the headaches can last up to five minutes to hours. they don't go away even if i drink enough water to hydrate. now the cramps, they aren't like period cramps. they could happen anywhere, in my arms, back, stomach, etc.

but that still can't determine if i'm cursed or not. there's no proof.


word count: 626 words

DAMSEL IN DISTRESS, eren jaegerWhere stories live. Discover now