"Be back in ten!" Brenna called back to the group of friends as she rushed up the dock.

"Brenna! Where are you rushing to?" Jessie asked as the girl sprinted up the stairs to go change.

"I'm going boating with some friends!"

Jessie decided not to question anymore since he was just happy that she was going to hang out with people.

Brenna didn't even think about the things she was grabbing, she just picked up the first swimsuit, t-shirt and shorts she saw. Throwing them on as quick as possible and rushing back to the dock, where she found the four friends talking about the scuba gear.

"And you get the bends," Pope said, probably explaining something sciencey that none of the others understood.

"Bends like, bend over and," JJ trailed off leaning over holding on to the railing.

"The bends kill you," Pope said bluntly.

"Right," JJ sighed standing back up straight, earning an eye roll from Kiara and Brenna.

Kiara turned to reach out a hand to help Brenna back into the boat.

"Thank you," Brenna smiled as her feet landed on the boat.

"Let's roll boys," Kiara clapped as John B got behind the wheel again and pulled away from the dock.

The group drove out to where the four pogues had found the sunk boat the day before.

"I still can't believe this," Brenna said quietly looking over the edge of the boat at the sunken one.

"So really no one knows how to dive?" Kiara repeated herself.

"I mean I've done it before," Brenna shrugged.

"See, kook sport," JJ gestured to Brenna.

"No, I can, uh I can dive," John B said sitting on stern of the boat in-between Brenna and Kiara, "I'm not making you do something this dangerous," he said standing up and looking at Brenna.

"At least I've done it before!" Brenna argued as John B moved around the boat.

"She can dive. I'm cool with that," JJ said

"Since when can you dive?" Kiara sassed, turning to John B, ignoring JJ and Brenna.

"I'll do it. It's fine," John B said trying to sound confident as he grabbed the scuba gear.

"Let me do some calculations real quick," Pope said grabbing some paper and starting to scribble down notes.

"You serious?" Kiara and Brenna sighed.

"That boat's about 30 feet down," Pope rambled.


"So it'll take 25 minutes at that depth," Pope continued. Kiara stood up, listening to what Pope said, Brenna looked up at the girl, knowing she was plotting.

"Which means you need to make your safety stop at about ten feet," Pope kept going.

Kiara pulled off her yellow t-shirt, leaving her in her bikni as she jumped into the water.

"Kie!" Brenna gasped as the water splashed at the edge of the boat.

"What was that all about?" Pope asked.

"I don't know, but I liked it. A lot," JJ smiled.

"Shut up," Brenna glared at JJ, as John B cleared his throat and the boys finished planing the dive.

"I tied my T-shirt to the anchor chain about ten feet down," Kiara explained as she came up to the surface a minute later, swimming over to the boat, "It's where you need to do your safety stop"

Brenna laughed a little at the girl in the water, helping her into the boat.

"Hey, if we get caught in the marsh, we're basically screwed, so you better get a move on," Pope said in his usually slightly worried tone as John B stood at the edge of the boat. Brenna leaned against the drivers area of the boat with her arms over her chest.

"Copy that," John B nodded as Kiara walked towards him.

"Don't focus too much on your breathing, it'll make you panic," Brenna smiled, sharing her knowledge.

"Well then," John B sighed.

Kiara gave the brunette boy a kiss on the cheek, Brenna raised a brow at the action.

"Diver down?" John B questioned.

"Diver down," Kiara repeated. Pope and JJ shared a look of confusion.

"See ya, dude," JJ saluted the water.

"Why are we letting him do this?" Brenna sighed shaking her head.

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