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I'm sure your hoping for those sappy romantic love stories well your wrong this is the opposite. And this is for sure not one of your fairytale kind of story it's filled with heartbreaks, drama, oh and not to mention a bunch of Carter Mahone. I guess I should get down to the whole introduction part before we jump right in. My name is Nicky and I'm 18 years old I have short brown hair and brown eyes. I'm 5'4 and I live with my dad because my mom left to start a new life without us. It sucks really cause my dad couldn't handle it as well as I could so he started to drink and well decided that I should be the parent. There were times where I tried to sober him up and get him back on his feet but he wasn't having it so I finished school early and took his role. I can tell you this its not fun at all. Anyways moving on I do have my two best friends who are close to me which are April and Sabrina. They have been here for me through some really dark times and I'm thankful for them. I guess it's best I tell you about them so I will start with April she is 5'4 the same height as me. She has long soft brown hair with a few blonde strands in it and her eyes are hazel. Her style is skirts and tank tops I guess you can say Ariana Grande's kind of style. As for Sabrina she is 5'9 with long dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. The thing about her style is that it's comfy shes a leggings with a sweatshirt and Ugg boots kind of girl. We have been friends for a long time now and we are mostly with each other a lot. That's the thing I like about my friends I can be with them whenever since I try and stay away from my dad as much as I can. Alright well I should get into the details about Carter Mahone. So starting it off about him and his friends aka foolish four which consist of Rob, Zach, Alex and of course Carter being the main guy and all. Anyways they are pretty well known around here since they are always getting into trouble. I mean before they were actual really sweet guys until Carter's dad died. So now he pretty much owns everything here since people just feel sorry for him. But when my mom passed no one gave a crap so I thought I should stay away from everyone including Carter. Okay let's focus on Carter for now so imagine him in your head he is 5'10 with brown hair but he recently shaved the sides and the back of his head. His eyes are hazel and as for his body well he is fit I have to say. He has his arms covered in tattoos and just recently got his nose pierced. I bet your thinking he is hot right? Well let's just say I lie to him and say he looks like shit when really he is fucking hot. So anyways enough of that I think it's time you head inside and see all the surprises I have for you.

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