Prahast felt like this excersize was being a piece of cake, which felt weird since the lieutenant wasn't the type who made things easy for the opponents,

Across the field, on the other side, Nishimiya with his silver knife, which he couldn't use, since this was a training session,

He was face to face, with the lieutenant finally, and prahast was getting impatient, he wouldn't let all the fun,

With a lead, he pounced into the air, dodging the remaining two useless minions, getting ready for a badass landing straight in between the two idiots facing off, i.e. Nishimiya and the lieutenant,

But as he got closer he realised, his landing wasn't going to be as badass as he planned, in a last ditch effort he flanked his leg straight in the air, spear heading his crash landing, as his studded kick crashed straight into the rather kickable face of Nishimiya, a broad grin covered prahast's face,

The kick was unintentional, but he seemed to enjoy it nevertheless,

"Oops" he let out a cry as the liuetenant watched the two of them burying into the ground,

"You're supposed to hit her not me!"
Nishimiya scowled managing to get up,

Prahast however wasn't that lucky,

The silver pocket knife had dug into prahast's kicking leg, blood dripping out of it like a river,

"Dammit" prahast shouted,
"This is a drill not real fight, why do you have to keep this damn knife outside!"

He said pulling the knife out of his leg and throwing it towards the wall,

"It's my lucky charm!
Anyways it was your dumb fault that you were hurt anyways!"
He said, turning to face the liuetenant carrying a p92, ready aiming at his fatals,

"Well you can consider this as karma for gunning my leg the other day
Now let's end it quick to we can give this kid a first aid"
He cracked his knuckles,

"Sure thing!
But to think that you think you're an adult.."
She smirked, dropped her gun and went for a jab, which was unusual for her,

The liuetenant prahast thought, was a rational and logical person, she wouldn't just drop a weapon just because her opponent doesn't have one,

Nishimiya had positioned himself for a classic karate block,

As her palm reached his belly, he blocked it with his wrist,

dawning a smile, he looked liuetenant into eyes, hoping to see disappointment on not hitting her target, but her eyes, burned with passion and her mouth was covered with a smirk that said "got ya"

Her second hand went into her back pockets, revealing a second gun, which in a split second went for his head,

And with a *spat* the fake cork bullet hit his head,

"Today's training session"
She said standing up looking even taller and dangerous than ever,
" Was a failure!"

"Each one of you are dismissed"
She said to all the cadets,
As she rushed towards prahast,

" Come here dumbass"
She called Nishimiya, and with his help she took prahast to the medical wing,


The same afternoon prahast ludged along the corridors with a support stick thanks to the brilliant stab given to him by his new partner.

The corridor looked very busy, everyone seemed to rushing towards somewhere,
Prahast had only seen this twice before, in the kashmiran quarters, at the time of an attack,

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2021 ⏰

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