Case and Sylena

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Case and Sylena

I woke with a start. Where was I? I took a look arround. A hospital , but how did I get here? I looked arround, I saw a window. I looked out over a colorful garden of greens and blues and reds and whites. This cant be right, it  was the midde of winter jusst yesterday. 

I felt something warm against my hand stiring. I turned towards the  motion. Case. "Case? Case wake up." I said softly. " "No, I wont leave untill she  wakes up," he said. He looked up at me and froze. A look of shock stamped onto his face. 

He looks different older, more hardened than I remember. His  eyes looked as though he had been crying constantly. "S...Sylena? is that realy  you?" His face held a look of disbelief and hope. "Yeah, its me." I looked out the window again. "What happened? The last thing i remember you were taking me to our senior prom." He looked away. 

For a moment he ws silent. then, "We were going down that winding road, the one you always told me I went to fast down. I ws trying to show off, but  I skrewed up," Tears were streaming down his cheeks. "I made too sharp of a turn, and we rolled. When the car stopped it was pinned against a tree on its side. 

"I was on the ground, but I was consious. I caled for help. Then..." he was sobbing now. after a few moments he calmed down. "Then I looked over and saw you... You were bleeding. There were cuts everywhere on you. I couldn't hear you breathing. I got out and started for the road, but I couldn't leave you." He  looked down. "I went back and tried to get you out, but the seatbelt was stuck. I  had to use the knife you gave me for christmas that year." He put the knife on te  table. The blade was bent and nearly broken, but I could still tell it was the one I  gave him because it still had 'Case and Sylena forever' carved into the side of the  blade.  

"It got messed up in te crash. I used it to cut the seatbelt. Then I carried you out of the car. I layed you on the ground. You weren't breathing. I did cpr on you for what seemed like hours. When you came too you were still unconcious. You were still  bleeding, and you were getting pale.I used strips of my shirt to bandage the wounds  I could see. I was trying to bandage the cut on your back when the paramedics  arrived." 

I took a moment to let it all sink in. I looked out of the window again.  

"Case, how long was I out?" He looked away form me. "Case?" I looked searchingly into his eyes. "Three years." I can't believe this. Three years? Prom was just yesterday. 

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. It's all my fault. I should have been more careful,  and-" I kissed him. He was surprised at first, then he kissed me back. I pulled away.  "You did your best and because of that I'm still alive..." I looked him in the eyes, "and I still have you." Then we kissed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2013 ⏰

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