'Enemy'; a person who is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something.
     Synonyms: foe, adversary, opponent, rival—
    'Rival'; a person or thing competing with another for the same objective or for superiority in the same field of activity.

    Hm, odd. Trump and Biden were certainly rivals by definition, but, they weren't necessarily enemies. Most people thought they were both, but, Hell, if anyone understood how those two felt about each other they would realize that they really weren't that way at all.

    They certainly weren't opposed to or hostile towards each other; they'd pretend to be, but, they did not actually hate each other, or even dislike each other for that matter. They tried so hard to make just about everyone think otherwise, especially themselves and each other, but, it was a waste of time. This was not one of those situations where you could just "fake it 'til you make it".

    The way they felt about each other really was just something that they could never change no matter how hard they tried, and they absolutely hated that, but, it was simply the truth. There really was no way to change that; it was simply fate.

     Despite hating it, they were both smart enough to know that lying to themselves was pointless; actually, no, not both of them. Only Biden was smart enough for that. Trump, being the man-baby he is, was in constant denial.

    And oh, he could've denied it forever, but that would never be able to change what he wanted to do, what he yearned for, what he dreamt about late at night.

     There were only ten minutes left until the first presidential debate of 2020 would begin. Trump was a nervous, sweaty mess, but not because he was nervous about the event itself; no, he was nervous about seeing him.

     He fidgeted with his tie — pretending to straighten it —
and chewed on the inside of his own cheek, feeling so many emotions at once. He wasn't ready for this. He wasn't ready to see him, to hear him, to speak to him, to feel those emotions that he knew he would soon be feeling, to be thinking those thoughts that would soon enter his head, to experience his intense, nearly uncontrollable desiring... no, he wasn't ready for anything of the sort.

The debate would start very soon and he had no actual clue what he was going to do. He needed a plan, a plan on how to keep himself from dropping his entire act and darting over to Biden to just snog the living daylights out of him.

He breathed in deeply. He had to come up with something, and he had to come up with it now. It didn't matter if that 'something' was a good something or not, he just needed something.

     And so, 'something' came to him. Constantly talk over him! Never stop interrupting! If he was constantly louder than Biden then he could easily ignore him, pretend he wasn't there, and just get this all over with; just say enough to satisfy his followers and then he could move on from this living Hell.

     Trump grinned at that. Yes yes, this would work. He was going to get through this horrid night.

    He heard Chris Wallace speak and he knew it was almost time.

     "No noise except for right now, as we welcome the Republican nominee, President Trump, and the Democratic nominee, Vice President Biden."

     He knew that was his cue and he walked out onto the stage.

    "This is going to work, this is going to work, this is going to work..." rang over and over again inside his head as he got closer and closer to Biden.

    He tried his hardest to not look at the man, but, when his sexy darling was right there in front of him, looking as gorgeous and handsome and perfect as ever, it was incredibly difficult to do so. He couldn't help himself, and he ended up glancing over at it. That 'glance' quickly ended up being more than a glance, though... mm, it ended up turning into a stare. Not a cold stare, or a confused stare, or a deadly stare, but a stare that said "pleaseohpleasejustbemineIneedyousodamnbadly".

In The Eyes of Us People (Trump x Biden)Where stories live. Discover now