After a few days I started developing a cough, and runny nose. It was probably from sleeping and traveling in the snow without proper supplies.

I was hoping to find a US army camp soon. I kept moving forward knowing I would find it sooner or later.

Every now and then I stopped and would tighten the belt strap around what's left of my arm because it would start to loosen once in a while.

I felt so tired, hungry, and in pain I felt like falling to the floor and staying there. But I kept going and encouraged myself to kept moving forward. (Sorry but I though of dory saying 'just keep swimming':)).

After 10 days of traveling I had spotted an US army truck driving on a dirt path about 70 feet ahead of me.

My eyes lit up and I walked in the direction the truck went. Awhile later I reached an US camp and I was on the outside of it.

I walked over by a bush and heard voices, "General, Captain America had left for a HYDRA base raid 1 day ago and should be back soon. We got a radio call saying that the Captain and the Howling Commandos were successful and are on their way back here." It was Peggy.

"Good, thank you Agent Carter for the news report." I tried getting through the bush by pushing it. It was harder with just one arm.

I hear two guns load. Dang it they think I am a spy from the enemy side. I take a deep breath in, but that was a bad idea because it made me have to cough.

"Put you hands up and come out!!" I hear Peggy shout. I don't move and then someone  on the other side moves the bushes apart.

Peggy stood there with her gun held at me. She gasps and then drops the gun suddenly.

"Sergeant Barnes?" She exclaimed. I start coughing again and she walks over and grabs my right arm and slings it over her shoulder so she could support my body weight.

She helps me walk out of the bush and the General stares in shock, "Oh my lord! How is this even possible?" He stares at my left arm. Peggy walks more further then hollers, "We need a medic!!"

Many soldiers look over at me and some give confused or scared looks. I am guessing the scared ones saw my arm. A medic comes over and then gasp. They help Peggy walk me over to the Medical tent.

They tell me to lay down on one of the cots and I do so. It felt so nice to finally lay in an actual bed. Well it was actually a cot but it was a bed to me since it's normally beds for people in the army.

As soon as I lay down I sigh and close my eyes. I guess I fell asleep because I heard a medic telling me to wake up. I wake up and see that they placed a damp cloth over my forehead and had removed my jacket.

"Sergeant Barnes you seem to have a cold and a fever. So that's why I placed a the wet cloth on your head." I smile at her.

"We also need to amputate your left arm a little shorter because of infection." I look at her with tired eyes and say, "alright if it is necessary. It's not like it's going to grow back anyway." The medic smiles and she starts prepping for the amputation.

"Steve will be happy your alive." Peggy says. I smile at her then the medic comes over and gives me an anesthesia. I drift off to a sleep.

I wake after a while and turn and see my arm shorter than it was before. My arm was wrapped in gauze all over what's left of the arm and then tied up around my chest.

I decided to sleep again since I hadn't gotten much on my journey here. After 1 hour I was shaken slightly waken by a medic.

"How long has it been since you ate sergeant?" She asks then I reply, "4 days." She looks at me with a sorry expression then hands me a can that was filled with water and a bowl with some stew inside.

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