(18+) captain x steve

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cw: sexual content (smut), voyeurism, language

not rly part of the cw but also cliche pwp scenario lol

a/n comment

Steve paces slowly down the hall of the barracks, lightly brushing his gloved fingers along one of the crevices of the polished brick wall.

The rest of the soldiers were in their quarters, likely already asleep, or whatever they favored doing at night.

Steve, though, had a feeling Captain would still be up. He'd been meaning to report to the corporal about the enemies' current positions, albeit much late into the night, as Steve had been out for the majority of the day.

The round-goggled soldier approaches Captain's office, hand wavering over the doorknob, when he picks up the sound of rustling from inside.

Yep, most definitely awake, Steve thinks, nodding. He would have considered knocking, but figured they were close enough to be able to move past this sense of privacy-- after all, Captain was normally the one to impede on Steve's private matters to tell him to go run an errand, or-- mainly-- just to pester him, so to hell with that.

Steve places a hand on the doorknob, close to casually jerking the door open and entering, when the other side of said door emits a soft groan.

Steve stops dead in his tracks with a flinch. It takes him a moment to recover from his surprise before he tilts his ear closer to the door in disbelief.

A more desperate whine from within the room confirms his suspicions-- and while it's at it, sends a tingle through his entire body.

No doubt was Captain aware of Steve's distinct noises whenever he'd been caught in the act, but the moans from the man on the other side of the door were absolutely foreign to him, despite it sounding all too familiar-- the magazines weren't the only thing Steve used, after all.

Not to mention they sounded sexy as all hell, just as he'd imagined.

Curiosity, the devil on his shoulder, roots for Steve to quietly open the door just a bit and peek, even for just a moment. After some seconds of uncertainty, Steve reluctantly gives in, and cautiously cracks the door open, careful not to let the door creak.

The door allows for a narrow but adequate view of the corporal's office. Along with that was the man himself, sitting in a typical boss chair without his helmet and faced away from the doorway, but angled enough to provide Steve with a side view of him without being spotted-- or so he assumed.

Sure enough, Steve also noticed the familiar motions of Captain's arm-- though the rest of the view was obscured by his desk. Obviously, Steve could figure out what was going on without needing to see it.

Swallowing silently while listening to the leader's quiet grunts, Steve stills as an uncontrollable level of warmth spreads throughout his body.

Though his mind screams at him to make like a tree and get the fuck out of there, Steve finds himself entranced by the other's actions, and gulps in despair as a pant from his pleasured leader sends an alarmingly intense spike of warmth to his lower region.

At this, Steve regains awareness of the current scenario and turns his head away from the door, scrunching up his face and shaking his head in denial. He tries his best to ignore the rising issue in his pants as he reprimands himself for even thinking of spying on his superior.

After making up his mind to leave, he makes to reach for the doorknob and close the door when his heart sinks to his stomach in realization.

The noises in the room had already stopped.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2022 ⏰

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