Hate is the new Love.

Start from the beginning

After he locked the door he began to walk towards her making her take steps backward. "Se-seth...Seth s-stop......stop co-coming closer Se-seth." She stuttered and he smiled. "You know its cute when you stutter and I know you only stutter when you're nervous.....so what's got you nervous? Me?" He said and took another step making her take more backwards. "I miss you Sasha....I really do. Why don't you want to believe me? I promise I really do love you." He said and she finally reached the wall and he caged her with both his arms. "Se-seth please mo-move away. Ju-just leave me alone." She said and her eyes began to water. He ignored her as the alcohol took full control of him. "I've missed you sash, I can't live without you." He said and he began to place kisses on her neck.

His kisses trailed from her neck to her chest and to her jaw and then her cheeks and she couldn't help but blush and moan. "Sasha I know you miss me too so why don't you believe me? Do you honestly think I'll do that to you?" He asked and before she could speak he captured her lips with his and he started kissing her. She tried her best not to react to it but her a emotions got the better of her, she had also missed him a lot and with that she kissed back. Their kiss lasted a while but as Seth's hand began to roam on her stomach, it brought her back to her senses and she pulled away and pushed him. "Stay the hell away from me Seth Rollins! I hate you!" She said and then walked into the bathroom and locked the door to prevent him from entering. "I love you Sasha! I'll be back." He said and then exited her room.

Seth went back downstairs and was met with curious Nikki, bayley, and Dean. "Hey guys!" He said a little louder than he should have due to the alcohol. "Why a-are you gu-guys staring at me like that?" He asked as he sat himself on the couch. "What happened up there? We all know Sasha won't tell us anything so spill. What did you two talk about?" Dean asked and they all awaited his answer. He looked at all their faces and bursted into laughter. "We di-didn't talk....its funny that you guys think we ta-talked." He managed to say as he continued his laughter. "Seth this is fucking serious......you guys couldn't have just stayed in there for like a ten minutes doing nothing, I don't know about you but I'm sure Sasha said something so tell us!" Nikki said well yelled already frustrated by the situation.

"Fine...fine...well I stalked her to the walk.....I-I blocked her path....then I kissed her, sh-she was re-resisting at first but she couldn't take it so she kissed back." He said and a smile broke out on all their faces and before anyone could talk he continued. "You kn-know I was really enjoying her lips but then she pulled away and pushed me away....then she said she hated me and I should stay away fr-from her." He finished with a frown on his face and their smiles fell. "So you guys didn't make up?" Dean asked and they all glared at him. "Jeez! I just wanted to be sure, no need to kill me with your eyes." He said and they just flipped him off. "Dean talk some sense into him, we're going to check on Sasha, you know cause she's pregnant and we all know we can't trust her alone by herself when she's sad." Bayley said and they went upstairs.

    "Sasha! For the last time open the damn door!" Nikki yelled but still they got no response. They had gotten to her room for about five minutes now but she's refusing to come out of the bathroom. "I don't think I've heard any sound since we got here....are you sure she's OK?" Bayley asked and after a while it suddenly hit them. "What if she's not conscious?" Bayley said and then they both began to repeatedly hit the door but still no response. Nikki had no choice but to go alert the boys downstairs. "Guys!! Dean! Seth!" She yelled as she got downstairs and saw roman and Charlotte walking in. They all looked at her with looks that said 'is she crazy orrr' "Oh hey guys, I'll ask about your outing later but it's Sasha....she's not answering." And that was all she needed to say before they all began to rush upstairs. They got upstairs and bayley flashed Charlotte and roman a quick smile before returning to the door. "Sasha! Sasha?! Are you ok in there?" Seth yelled but still no response.

   "She's obviously not conscious so we can't break the door and risk hitting her......I'll go climb through the window." Roman said and immediately left the room. He got outside and he set the ladder and began to climb but instead of him to meet the window closed, he met it opened and that immediately alerted him. He climbed inside and then he spotted Sasha on the floor with blood rushing from her head and he immediately pushed her away from the door and opened it to let the rest in. As he opened it, the sight of blood on the floor and on Sasha caught them all off guard. "I can't feel her pulse, we need to get her to the hospital asap." Roman said and they all headed downstairs.

  "Sir please save my wife and my child.....I'll pay any amount just please save them." Seth said and the doctor just nodded. "We're trying our best Sir don't lose up yet but her condition is critical." He said and then walked back into the room. "Fuck! This is all my fault.....I should have just left her alone and then she and our child would be fine now." Seth said as he wiped a tear threatening to escape his eye. "Seth no  please blaming yourself won't help their situation, you just need to have hope." Charlotte said and Seth just nodded in disapproval. "She's right Seth....I mean when i got to the ladder it was already on the wall and the window was opened which means that someone else entered through the window." Roman explained and without a second going to waste they all knew who had left the window opened. "Jason." Bayley and Nikki said at the same time. "That son of a bitch! I swear I'll go find him right now and kill that bastard." Seth yelled anger seething through him. "No you can't go now Seth, Sasha needs you right now....you can handle him later." Charlotte said and just then the doctor came out again.

     "Doctor? Is she alright? Are they both fine?" Seth asked and the doctor's face remained with a frown. And that made them all know it was about to be bad news. "The situation is critical and in this case only one can survive so who should we save? Your wife? or your child?" He asked and his question hit all of them hard. Seth was devastated,  his decision was easy but he knew this was also not easy. "Please save Sasha, we can always have another baby.....just please save her." He begged and the doctor nodded and left again. "Seth it's ok to cry...it's your child too.....you can cry Seth don't keep the emotion all in." Bayley said and be shook his head. "That's not it....I'm worried about Sasha....this will be the second child she will lose, she won't be ok with it and we all know that." He said and wiped the tears that fell from his eyes. "We know seth but you'll be there for her....we all will be. You can't let her see you like this so just cry it all now and get yourself together for her." Dean said and he began to cry, he went outside and Nikki and dean followed him. Charlotte complained about feeling little pains so bayley took her to a nurse leaving only roman to wait for Sasha. 


"The operation was succseful. Your wife is safe but I'm also very sorry that you lost your child sir." He said and Seth just nodded and was about to ask a question but the doctor spoke. "Yes you can go see her but please no stress and no noise." He said and roman thanked him as he left. They all walked up to the door and looked through the transparent glass to see her waking up and trying to sit up. "You guys can go in.....I need to get myself together." Seth said and they nodded and walked in. She raised her head and a smile broke on her face when she saw all of them. She saw the worried look on their faces and she spoke up. "Don't worry guys, I'm fine. My child and I are fine." And that was all she had to say before the tears began to fall on bayley and Charlotte's faces.

   "No Sasha. Your child is no more."

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