Chapter 1

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        Bucky and Wanda had to leave home.  It was too dangerous.  Someone found out who they were causing them to have to fake their death and leave their three kids.  They've been in Canada for three years now.  They've started to get their life together.  People knew them as Viktorya Brunoff and Evgeny Tamera.  Wanda called herself a lesbian, and the two were living together as friends just out of college.  The thing was, they're actually married and after three years of living there Bucky happened to get her pregnant.

        "Viktorya, I'm home!" Bucky said as he walked into their apartment.  He had gotten a job as a mechanic, just down a few blocks actually.  He didn't hear Wanda say anything back.  "Wanda?" he walked though the apartment and over to the bedroom to get changed.
        Wanda was sitting on the edge of the bed, with something in her hand.  "Wanda?  Is everything alright?" he sat down next to her and looked at what was in her hand.  His eyes got wide.  Damn, not again.  "Y-you're pregnant?"
        She only nodded her head.  She wasn't sure how to feel herself.  Their other three kids were a mess, they loved them, but they even say themselves that they messed up somewhere with them.
        Bucky looked at Wanda and hugged her.  He didn't want her to think that he was disappointed that this happened, just the fact that everyone thinks she's a lesbian for a cover up as to who she really is.  "That's great, Wanda," he smiled.
        "But what if this blows our cover," she said turned to him.  "Bucky what if we have to leave again.  I don't want to have to go though that again this is already our second time moving and eventually the word is going to spread and HYDRA is going to find us and what if they'll try to go after our baby too.  What if everything is just-," she was cut off by Bucky putting a hand over her mouth.
        "Don't worry, sweetie.  I'll make sure nothing happens to you.  I would never let anyone harm you," he put his hand down and kissed her lips and smiled.  His hand moved down to her stomach.  "This is our new life.  The baby doesn't even have to know who we use to be, not like how the twins and Junior found out," he set his forehead against her's, his eyes closed.
        She moved so that she was sitting on his lap and her arms around his neck.  "Promise me that you won't leave me, Bucky," she looked up at him.  She seemed scared.  Scared that something bad was going to happen.
        Bucky wrapped his arms around her and held her close.  "I promise I won't leave you.  I'll always come back to take care of you, and our baby."

        Luckily was was getting colder as her baby bump was getting bigger.  She planned on hiding it from the neighbors as best as she could so that she wouldn't have to explain anything to them, that could get awkward.
        She missed Bucky.
        A week or so ago he got a letter in the mail.  She could tell by the expression on his face that it wasn't a good letter, but he refused to tell her what it was, that it was just something from the garage where he worked and that something happened and they may have to close the shop.  But no.  She knew Bucky well enough to decipher his expressions, and how bad things were.
        But a few days ago they had an argument, and he left the apartment, and didn't come back.  She walked around trying to find him, but it was no luck, and once she got back to the apartment, a lot of his things were gone.

        They were standing in the main room of the apartment yelling at each other.  At least one of the neighbors could have heard them if they were home, but it was during working hours luckily, but that was the least of the problems right now.
        "Why the hell don't you just tell me that it's about!  You've been acting different since you got that damn letter!  Clearly something is bothering you, just tell me what it is!"
        "Its not that simple!  It's for your own good, Wanda!"
        "For the last time, it's Viktorya!  We can go around saying our real names!  What if someone here knows about us!  Clearly it isn't about the damn garage!  If it effects you then it effects me as well!"
        "It's none of your damn business as to whats going on!  It has nothing to do with you so stay the fuck out of it!"
        She didn't have anything to say right away, nothing to shout back.  How could he be this damn stupid.  Of course it dealt with her as well.  Before she could do anything, Bucky turned around and walked out of the apartment, not even bothering to put on a coat.  His whole closet was long sleeves now.  He had to cover up his metal arm, which also caused him to wear gloves nearly all the time so no one would notice.  That was one way he stuck out.  Its not like a good majority of people int he world have a metal arm, and with a red star on the shoulder. 
        She couldn't think of anything to do.  She pulled at her short blond hair and screamed as loud as she could.  She wanted to punch something, kick something.  Anything.  She wanted to get her anger out, but she'd end up putting a hole in something no matter what she did.  She just sat down on the couch and dug her nails into her arms, slightly rocking.
        She wanted to look for the letter, but with her luck he probably has it with him.
        After nearly a half hour of trying to get herself to calm down she decided to go outside and look for him.  She got up and grabbed her coat and a scarf.  She made sure the apartment key was in her pocket before leaving to look for him.
        She had no clue where to look.  He could be anywhere by now.  She kept her hands in her pockets.  It was slightly windy, but she was a bit use to the cold by now.  She walked around the neighborhood as much as she good before she started to get too cold and tired and started to head back to the  apartment.
        Wanda hoped he already came back home.  He was use to the cold but she always still worried about him.  Damn it, why does she have to let curiosity  get the best of her.  She was only worried about him, and if something was going to happen.  "Bucky?" she said stepping in and hanging up her coat.  She walked back into the bedroom and something seemed off.
        She looked in the closet and most of his clothes were gone.  She went to check around the apartment, noticing that a good majority of his things were gone.  "B-Bucky. . .," she said softly starting to tear up.  She leaned against the wall and slid down to sit.  She was out of it.  Tears rolling down her face.  "N-n-no.  H-he'll come back.  H-he said he'd never l-l-leave m-me."
        Wrapping her arms around herself she cried, blaming no one but herself.  Now there was no one to help her.  Ask her if she was okay.  She's alone in the apartment, no one to keep her company.

        Few months pass.  She's able to give birth any day now, and still, no one to help take care of the child.  Crying herself to sleep almost every night, and waking up with a wet pillow and her hair stuck to her face, plus the morning sickness.
        She's been having horrible thoughts, without Bucky, what was she going to do.  She could barely raise three kids with him, how is she going to do this by herself.  She went into depression, and has even had thought about harming herself, but no, she couldn't, maybe a cut here and there, but then she thought about the baby and how it needs her and would stop.  Wanda tried seeing doctors, and she kept believing that Bucky would come back.  Do whatever he had to do, and come back, and he'd be able to meet his beautiful daughter.
        If only if what she thought was true.

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