BroXninja's dare for the whole crew.

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Dare: Try to tickle her!

Player: So, who are we supposed to tickle?

Mr Egg: Splatoon 18.

Player: Oh ok, then let's test the mod out, where is she?

Mr Egg: Idk, we're going to have to look.

Mr Cheese: Meh, I prefer murder.

Mr Egg: Well we're not murdering today, we have 5 minutes to find her so we better get started.

(with Splatoon18)

Splatoon18: (unlocks vault doors) I don't think anyone will find me in here, but it is still quite dark... Good thing I have a flashlight! (Get's inside the vault)

(with Player)

Player: So, if I was a crewmate where could I hide? Maybe the floating platform area!

Bday: I checked the platform area, she isn't there.

Player: What about the kitchen's fridge.

Ria: Not there either.

(3 minutes left, with Ninja)

Gnome: None checked the cargo bay, the place is full of boxes, she could be in one of them! Maybe the vault?

(Gnome opens the vault finding Splatoon18)

Splatoon18: Oh uh, hi Gnome!

Gnome: ... (gets a feather)

Splatonn18: Oof.

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