Beginning Information

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Hello! Just a little welcome and information before you read.

My name is Emily, nice to meet you!

Videos like these ^^ are going to be on every chapter! I think they add to the vibe, I hope you enjoy them. 

I do want to say, if things are not perfectly canon, I apologize. I am doing my research but you know, there is always room for error! > I am back from the future just to reinforce this. I'm currently having trouble but I'm pretty sure I'm doing okay :) I'm on the fourth book rn not the fifth ah! also, if you spot something feel free to leave a kind comment about it!

Also, there are annual Yule Balls in this world! Come on, it's a ball. Who doesn't want balls!

Finally, I hope you enjoy. Feel free to leave comments!! 

Spreading love, em

PS the French is google translate         sorry for the errors idk french :)))

PS again lol I want to clarify that this story is in third person however things are explained from the main character's view. you know? like in the description of her, its more how she sees herself then how I personally might describe her. she also might think something and then counter that in the future because her view has changed. 

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