"Bet?" "Bet"

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Author POV

Taehyung: Yoongi hyung I don't wanna leave you

Yoongi: its your first business trip go and make some friends

Taehyung: b-but

???: Well we are late

Tae: oh good morning mam

???: Good morning mr Kim

Yoongi: who is she*whisper to tae*

Tae: she is Jeon kookie my boss *whisper back*

Kookie: who is he mr Kim?

Tae: oh he is my bestfriend and hyung Min Yoongi

Kookie: oh nice to meet you mr min

Yoongi: you to aren't late?

Kookie: yes we are let's go mr Kim

Tae: ok one minute *hug Yoongi*

Yoongi: *hug back*

Kookie: I also wanna join *pout*

Yoongi: then join

Kookie run towards both of them and they complete a group hug

???: *Fake cough*

There of the turn there head and see Hoseokie

Kookie: let's go Taehyung *left*

Tae: bye hyung *left*

Hoseokie: care to tell what was happening here?

Yoongi: we do a group hug

Hoseokie: now it's over now do your-

When hoseokie cut by so many girls who fangirling on Yoongi

Yoongi: look like I have so many fans didn't I have?

Hoseokie: I don't-

This time Hoseokie cut by his employee kai

Kai: mam your file

Hoseokie open the file and looking proud

Hoseokie: well done kai you did great *smile*

Kai: thank you lo- I mean mam

Yoongi mind: is he call Hoseokie love I will do something or Hoseokie fell in love with him use your brain Yoongi do something

Yoongi took the file and see the file was..... great but he wants hoseokie smile for him

Yoongi: love have some work for me?

Hoseokie turn her head and give him a cold face about others they were shock because no one can say anything about there boss

Hoseokie: yes I have

Yoongi: what is it?

Hoseokie left

Yoongi: what's wrong with her?

Kai: why you said our boss love?

Yoongi: oh about that we promise each other we will marry with each other that's why

Then Hoseokie come and give Yoongi all files

Hoseokie: if you complete this all files I will give you what you want but if you didn't do then you will do what I want

Yoongi: bet?

Hoseokie: bet

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