Chapter 4: Don't Be A Debbie Downer

Start from the beginning

"Glad you could finally join us" Levi smirked at me. "I would have been earlier, but I was deciding whether sticking needles in my eyes would be a more efficient use of my time." I sneered. "Anyways! Now that we're all here I think we need to start discussing the rules, and tasks." Liz gave me a look, which I took to play nice or else. 

Everyone began shouting out different rules. I sat there silently picking at my nails. I started to zone out when I heard someone shout out that the teams should be groups of two, but I stopped dead when someone announced it should be a boy and a girl. "I second that!" I yelled. Everyone whipped their heads towards me. I shrugged my shoulders and looked at Liz. She gave me a wink. "I third that," Liz said with a smile. 

You may be wondering why in the world I did that. Well, simply put I have had a crush on Liam since god knows how long. Actually probably since he took off his shirt at the beach one summer and I realized just how hot he became. The only person who knows about this crush is Liz. I have been taking effective measures to keep this a secret.  I have been waiting for an opportunity like this for a while. I mean come on, two days alone with him. If you have read any romance novels lately that's how it starts! So you really can't blame a girl for trying.   

Everyone quickly began discussing rules and how the teams would be picked. Liz and Jeremy were going to pick the teams out of a hat and let us know on the day of the scavenger hunt. We would also decide on the bet the day of as well. We were trying to avoid anyone dropping out because they didn't want to face the consequences if they lose. "I'm going to read out the final rules so everyone understands." Liz waited for everyone to nod. "Okay, first complete as many tasks on the list as possible. Second document all completed tasks, video, and photo. And it must be upload to Instagram. Finally, have fun, and probably the most important rule don't get caught by the cops because that's an automatic lose." Liz waited for anyone to object. "Good, I'm glad everyone agrees." "Now let's all meet at the park on Friday." 

Slowly everyone got up to leave and I made my way to Liz. "Hey, I can't believe how many people you actually got to show up!" I began falling into step with her as we walked out to the front yard. "I know, I'm excited for this now that it's all in motion." She gave me a smile. "Alright, I need to get going, but I will call you later k?" 

I nodded and waved goodbye. I hopped into my jeep and sped off. Dad was probably wondering where I was considering it was already 9, ugh which means I missed Big Brother. Jesus, we spent three hours discussing this stupid thing. I can only hope dad recorded it otherwise, I was avoiding social media the rest of the night. I was so distracted by my thoughts I barely even noticed the red light. I quickly slammed on the breaks, thankfully coming to a stop before almost hitting the person crossing the street. "Son of a bitch" I locked eyes with Levi and sighed. He walked over to the passenger side and hopped in. I just stared at him as he did up his seat belt and acted like everything was completely normal. I mean I almost just turned him into a pancake  for christ sakes.

 "Green light means go." He gave me a smirk. "Pardon you! but what in the hell are you doing in my car!" Call me dramatic, but just because I almost killed him does not mean he gets a free ride. "Considering you almost killed me two seconds ago I think I deserve a ride." "I did not! I came to a complete and safe stop." I huffed out. Levi responded by laughing straight in my face. "Okay well tell that to  the black marks you left on the street from your tires or the huge bruise I'm going to have on my knee from your complete and safe stop." 

I glared at him long and hard. Usually, if I did this to my brother, he would confess to whatever evil thing he did. Levi on the other hand just stared right back. If it wasn't for the person behind me who honked, we could have been there for hours. "Ugh whatever, don't tell anyone or I will make sure the next time it happens I will accidentally hit the gas instead of the break." I gave him one last glare and continued on. 

When I got home everyone was already asleep. I took this as my opportunity to sneak out to the back deck. After grabbing a blanket and situated myself in the chair I looked up at the sky. When I was young my mother would take me down to the beach at night. We would listen to the ocean waves and look at the stars. Sometimes if we laid still on the sand the crabs would walk right past us on their way to the ocean. My mother always said that the only way to sooth a soul was the beach. Now whenever I was missing her or had a rough day, I would come out and listen to the waves crashing on the shore. Cancer is such a cruel thing. In my mother's last months, she would constantly sit out here, saying it helped with the pain better than any drug could. For the first month after she left I couldn't bare even stepping a foot onto the beach, which made me more depressed. It wasn't until three months later I realized the only way to sooth my aching heart would be to go to the beach. Since then I always trying to spend my time on the beach whenever I can. 

I took a deep breath and stood to go back inside. I looked over at Levis place and noticed a light on. I squinted my eyes and noticed someone staring at me through the window, but suddenly they disappeared without a trace. I quickly went inside and locked the door. 


Levi's POV

I stared at my wall willing my brain to go to sleep. I couldn't seem to stop thinking about tonight's events. My mind kept drifting back to Oceane and the way her cheeks redden when I accused her of lying. For some reason, that girl just got under my skin. She could make my blood boil with one simple word, yet when I couldn't seem to get her out of my head. Not to mention when she smiled I felt myself smiling. I shook away the weird feeling I was having.  I decided sleep wasn't going to come anytime soon and got up to watch Netflix. I turned on the light and walked over to grab my laptop. I looked out the window and noticed Oceane sitting outside. God this girl was nuts, it's the middle of the night. I continued watching her as she just stared up at the night sky. This was probably the creepiest thing I have done, but for some reason, I couldn't stop staring. 

Oceane was actually a beautiful girl when she wasn't being her usual pain in the butt self. She had long light brown hair, that had been naturally streaked from the sun. Her eyes were blue with flakes of green and she had plump lips. She was a head shorter than I was and was thin with a bit of muscle I assumed she acquired from surfing and swimming. In the moonlight, her features seemed to glow. I let a smile fall to my lips as I watched her. Suddenly I noticed her staring at the window. I quickly moved away before she realized it was me. If anything I could say it was my sister. I really needed to get a hobby other than football, because I was definitely not making watching people one. 

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