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I woke up when I heard the third clinking noise. I was dragging my feet towards the window where I heard the noise from. My friends were outside throwing rocks. I was confused. I look back at the clock.

"Crap!" I yelled. I must've over slept. I quickly change and grab my bag. I zoomed out the door and got on my bike. Finally I catch up to them .

"You need to grow. You still under five feet! Shancai already passed you! That's why we still treat you like a baby." said Qing.

"Shut up! I wasn't bless with model legs, stupid!" I shouted. I bumped into his bike playfully.

"Corgi legs!"

I got mad so we chase after each other all the way to school. Yet I was still behind them.

"You guys are so mean to me." I whine.

"And you wonder why we treat you like a baby." said Zhen

"UH,how dare you say something like that to me! You were so nice. You need to stop hanging out with Qing and Shancai. They rudeness and dumbness rubs on you." I said.

"What?" said Shancai clueless while picking her nose.

"You see what I mean, Zhen. That just explains it."

We ran from Shancai cause she was trying to rubs her mucus on us. Shancai yelled something at me but I didn't understand. Until I bumped into something and fell. For some reason I didn't fell on my back nor face. I open my eyes. I was taken by surprise. My face burn even my ears light on fire. We made eye contact. His dark brown eyes stared into mine. Eventually,my eyes started to burn,too. This guy can lit fire to the whole world. His strong arms was holding my back. His hand was press firmly against my waist. Is this one of F4 boys?

We both stood up straight. I got scared how tall he was. I then realized there were other three guys behind him. My heart ache. I'm in trouble. I must do what I have to do .

He was going to say something but I immediately bow down to him and stayed like that. "I'M SO SORRY! I SHOULD WATCH WHERE I WAS GOING! I'M A IDIOT!I KNOW I AM! PLEASE DON'T GIVE ME A JOKER CARD! FORGIVE ME PLEASE!" I shouted at him while still bowing down.

I just heard them laughed a little. I felt him get close to me. I lift up my head slowly. We were face to face again. He had to bend over to look at me. He move my hair aside with his thin white fingers and hold it. Even his touch is burning me.Although he must be cold or just the right temperature in him. "You're cute so I forgive you."

My heart stopped. I look away. My cheeks were just burning. Just like that,he smiled and left with his friends. I regain my heart back and breathe heavily. I thought I was going to die there. I stand straight. I then notice that everyone was looking at me. This will be a story that will last the whole school year. I felt I want to crumble and fall in pieces. I already known for who I am but now I'm known that a F4 boy save me from falling down.

They same running at me, checking if I was okay. "Oh my gosh! I'm jealous!" said Shancai.

"About what? Him saving me or me about fall down and be laugh at?"

"Shut up! Don't make fun of me for falling too much!"

"(Y/N),you were hold by Dao Ming Si!" yelled Zhen.


"What you mean so? Are you nuts! He like the hottest in the F4! He may be mean sometimes but that's makes him more hotter!"

"I was only surprised. I just got scared." I said.

The bell rang so we hurried to our classes before we get detention.We didn't even goodbye. I quickly zoomed to my class. Good thing its just gym so there's no trouble. Once I got through the door,some girl pulled my arm to the side.

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