2. Map

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Darius Ariti

"Darius Ariti." The beautiful brunette said as if testing my name of her tongue and to be honest, I liked it.

"Welcome, Darius. This is Sara Woodwords. Today, she's the one representing the Italian Mafia." Abel introduced us.

"Woodwords? You're Carter Woodwords' daughter?" My cousin/underboss, Elias asked.

"Given that we share the same last name and I'm here to represent his gang, it would be an awful coincidence if I weren't." Sara sassily said and I internally smirked.

Beautiful and Fiesty.

"You're 20 minutes late, gentlemen." Abel said to the both of us.

"There's always a reason behind my every action, Abel." I said and we walked into the room.

Elias and I stood around the table where a blue print was already lying.

Sara and the man who was with her, stood up too. We all, including Abel's men, were standing around the table, outlining it's shape.

"May we know the reason behind you're unpunctuality then?" Sara asked.

"Actually, Ms. Woodwords..." Elias started but she cut him off.

"It's Sara. I'm not 50 yet."

"Sara," I said and her light blue eyes, snapped in my direction. Her name on my tongue did make me feel a certain way. The way I can't quite put my finger on.

"We just handled an undercover agent who was following you." I replied shortly.

"Elaborate," She said.

"Your assistant, Jene, was talking to a rather good looking guy who was indirectly asking a lot about you and your Dad. Jene missed it but he had a microphone attached to his pocket pen. She thought he was flirting but he was collecting information." I said and Sara rolled her eyes.

"It's about time I fired that dimwit. The only reason she took the job was so she could ogle at my cousins when they visit my office." She said and murmured something into the man standing beside him, who if I'm not wrong is, Vincenzo's ear.

"We caught him and a trusted man of ours is currently interrogating him. Jene almost blurted out everything about this meeting to that stranger." Elias said and a foreign emotion crossed Sara's eyes for a second after which she masked it with the previous coldness.

"Thank you for doing that, for all of us." Abel said and I nodded my head.

"Of course. If any of us goes down, the rest are going down with them, which we certainly don't want. I remember the peace treaty." I shortly answered.

All the mafia heads who are permanent citizens of NYC namely the Italian, the Portuguese, the Spanish and us, the Greek have signed a peace treaty around 15 years ago. We sweared to protect each other's secret mafia life and not have any kind of war in the future, irrelevant to the topic or reason.

We set some basic rules and regulations so that everything runs smoothly between us and if any of us breach this treaty he has to leave NYC immediately along with his gang and family. He has to pull back all the investments in any of the New York based companies and won't be allowed to run his business in the city anymore.

"Now, let's get back to business." Abel said and we all agreed.

"Here's the thing. We've noticed that the tourism in Budapest is rather high since last 6 months. People really like the food, atmosphere and people there. My total amount of money from the illegal business is about to cross my legal total in a few months' time. I need to invest in a project super soon to avoid the FBI. With me?" Abel paused and questioned.

"Yeah." Sara replied.

"Continue." I said.

"Everyone knows that any hotels that are made under collaboration with or owned by 'Ariti chain of hotels' are super luxurious and obviously expensive. You make good profit from your hotel business Darius, yeah?" Abel questioned.

"Yes. We provide extravagant amenities, they're naturally expensive. You thinking about collaborating?"

"No, I'm just looking for an investment." Abel completed.

"Wait a minute. What's it to do with me?" Sara asked.

"You have your own magazine line and if I'm not wrong, Adan Stalin's wife, Courtney Stalin is an interior designer. I want your magazine to cover the whole process of making it and an interview with Darius and I about the investment. Mrs. Stalin can design the hotel." Abel answered.

"Cover it as in, in a story?" Sara asked.

"No, I want a separate book just about the project." Abel said.

"It'll be a new venture for Ariti Hotels as well as Fempowerment, Sara's magazine line."

"I'll not make much profit. You guys are going to make way more money than I." Sara said and Abel counter offered.

"You can be one of the investors, the hotel can be more popular this way."

Sara nodded with a satisfied look in her eyes. She's a great businesswoman, that's for sure. She could've just covered it but she's investing too. She's gonna get way more profit this way.

"I'm in." Sara announced after a moment of silence.

"Great but what about Mrs. Stalin?" Abel asked.

"I'll talk to her. Rest assured." Sara replied.

"And you Darius?" Abel questioned.

I studied the map Abel and placed on the table. He had marked the place where he wanted to make the hotel. Oh my! How could he miss this?

"We've got a problem." I said still looking at the map.

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