Bart: "I am going to have a near-death experience if it kills me!"

Bruce: "How was school?"
Damian: "Terrible. I got hauled into the principal's office because of my grades"
Bruce: "What did he do?"
Damian: "Made me Valedictorian. Apparently, I have the best grades in the school"
Tim: "But you barely ever go to class"
Damian: "I know, that's how stupid everyone else is"

Starfire's first driving lesson
Damian: "Look out for that deer!"
Starfire: "Look out for what, honey?"

Damian: "does everything have to involve you?"
Wally: "In a perfect world, yes"

Starfire: in a jail cell "Why are you in here?"
Madman: "The police think I'm crazy because I told them I was from the planet Circon 9"
Starfire: "Do you know Steve?"

Damian: "How did you afford all this?"
Jason: "You know that jar of pennies I keep in my room?"
Damian: "Yeah"
Jason: "Well that's where I keep Bruce's credit card"

Dick: "What are you doing?! Now, this is breaking and entering! It's illegal!"
Tim: "What'd you expect me to do? Beam you in?"

Roy: "I can't feel the entire right side of my body Will someone please call 116?"

Younger titian: raises hand "I have an answer, but it might be wrong"
Damian: "Of course it's wrong. You'll always be wrong! In fact, the odds of you being right are staggering!"

Bruce: "You think you're the smartest person on the planet, don't you?"
Damian: "For the thousandth time, yes!"

Tim: In jail cell "This is my vacation"
Damian: "You're doing time"
Tim: "I'm doing the time of my life!"

Jason: "I got suspended for setting off the fire alarm"
Selina: "They suspended you? You saved hundreds of lives"
Jason: "That's the best part, there was no fire"
Selina: "Jason Peter Todd, this is outrageous, the next time you set off the fire alarm, you'd well better start a fire first!"

Jason: "I should be in charge I'm older"
Dick: "Do you even want to be in charge?"
Jason: "No... but I'd like to be asked!"

Lawyer:"It would help if you would all show up looking like a loving, supportive family"
Bruce:"For how long?"
Lawyer: "Ten minutes tops"
Boys: fighting in background
Bruce: "See if you can get it down to five"

Jason: "Why is Rose so mean?"
Tim: "Deep down inside of her, there's a scared little girl and she's giving her

Selena: "You know what your problem
Bruce: "There are times when l put
myself into situ.."
Selena: "Who actually answers
that question? You see, that's your problem, You think you have the answers to everything, but instead, you end up throwing gas on the fire, and everyone else has to pay the consequences"
Bruce: "That's exactly what I
was going to say"

Officer: "Is it true, Mr. Wayne that you
harbor violent feelings for Mrs.Bobek?"
Damian: "That's ridiculous"
Officer: "If it's that ridiculous, why did
20 coworkers hear you say" looks at paper "lm going to kill you?"
Damian: "That's just a figure of speech!"
Officer: continues reading "That's not a figure of speech, You are dead!"
Damian: "No, you're reading it all wrong" in a cheerful voice "I'm gonna
kill ya! That's not a figure of speech, yoooouuu'rrrre dead!... I want a lawyer"

Doctor: "Does heart trouble run in
your family?"
Bruce: "My dad was shot in the

Tim: "I don't believe this, You're
taking advice from Roy? Roy who once swallowed a sponge to soak up all the beer, so he won't get drunk?
Roy: "Did I get drunk?"
Tim: "We had to take you to the hospital! You were clinically dead for two minutes!"
Roy: "But, did I get drunk?"

Tim: "Ask me about my day, I dare
Rose: "How was your day?"
Tim: "You're not sincere enough" points at Roy "YOU! Ask me about my day"
Roy: "Okay Tim, how was your day?"
Tim: "Lousy I didn't even get my coffee"

About Wally
Damian: "I can't take it anymore, He's either in my home or at my work, I watch "Unsolved Mysteries", People
disappear all the time, Why
can't he?"

Tim: "This burger isn't bad"
Roy: "It was created in a test kitchen"
Tim: "A Test kitchen?"
Roy: "Oh, I'll need to ask you a few
questions" pulls out clipboard "Are you experiencing any side effects?"
Tim: "You're going to be experiencing some side effects if you don't tell me
what's in this burger!"
Roy: "Mood swings, obviously"

Selena: breaks into Bruce's house
"Hi, Honey, I'm home! You should lock your door, there's horrible people
out there"
Bruce:"There's horrible people right
in here!"

About Stephanie
Bart: "I don't know how to break this to you, but, I don't think she was ever too crazy about you"
Jason: "Ahh, but you don't know how
forgettable I am, I went out on a date with this one woman, She told me about her worst date ever, Little did she know- that date was me"

Bruce: "Just act normal"
Alfred: "I'd ask you to do the same sir, but I'm afraid that ship has sailed"

When they were younger
Tim: "When one person dies, another person gets a chance to live, I like to call it the circle of life"
Damian: "You must stop watching The Lion King"
Tim: "I like that baby lion cub... what's his name?
Damian: "Uhm, Simba"
Tim: "Trick question - you like it too!"

Kori let's Rose babysit
Damian: "let me understand correctly,you left our only child with a creepy borderline psychotic who hates everyone?"
Kory (Starfire): "How is that different from leaving him with you?"

Going to see Tim's baby at the hospital
Everyone: Looking at the babies in the
Jason: "Which one is it?"
Damian: "It must be him, he's hideous"
Man: "Hey, that's my daughter!"
Damian: "I'm so sorry, She's hideous"

Younger Damian and Wally
Damian: "What's this?"
Wally: hugging him "Affection!"
Damian: "Disgusting...Do it again"

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