"Let's make this interesting. Loser has to strip on this table", proposed Alex.

    "Hell no. I'm not letting Stella do that", Draco disputed.

    "Why not? Are you afraid to loose", he teased.

    "No, I just don't want to risk accepting this challenge and have to watch Stell take her clothes off in front of all of these people"

    "Oh come on, Draco", I groaned.

    "Remember last time when you stripped during a game of beer pong?"

    Yes. We ended up hooking up that night.

    "You were one piece of clothing away from being completely naked", he continued. "I'm not going to let you stand here in front of everyone with your clothes off"

    "You're not going to let me?"


    "Fine. How about loser has to pick one person at this party and play seven minutes in heaven"

    "Seven minutes in heaven? What is this, third year?", he scoffed.

    "I'm game", Alex shrugged.

    "I'm excluded from this deal, of course", Stass added.

    "You can just shot gun this whole case of beers under five minutes", I suggested.

    "Well then, I accept this deal"

    "Prepare to have your stomach filled with fermented barley, Perez because you two are going down"

    "You're so on", she said grabbing a ping pong ball, shooting into the cup closest to me.

    Draco groaned and grabbed the cup from the table, taking the ball out of the cup before putting his lips on the rim. I grabbed he cup from his hand and took the shot instead. He glared at me before taking a ball and throwing it at the cups on the opposite side of the table. The ball ended up missing one of the cups my a couple inches.

    "Fuck", he groaned.

    His hands her on his hip and he began to tap his foot on the floor.

    I don't know what Draco is so stressed about. It's just a stupid game and if we were to loose, I'm probably going to take him into a closet and play seven minutes in heaven with him. Out of everyone at this party, Draco is the only person I would play it with and we don't even have to do anything. After the little slip up with Theo the other day, I don't know if I would want to take him with me. Right now, Draco is my best option. Even Stass could be an option but I don't want the guys to think that anything as going on when we're probably going to talk shit for seven minutes.

    One by one, the cups started to disappear and we're down to our last one As of right now, we're even and this next shot can make or break the game. If I make the shot, we pretty much win and I can force Alex to play seven minutes in heaven with Harry Potter, and if I miss, Draco and I are going to have to spend seven minute alone together in a tight closet.

    "Make this shot so I don't have to watch you drag Nott into a closet", Draco whispered in my ear.

    "Are you doubting me, Malfoy?", I slurred.

    "It's a miracle that you've gone this far in the game. You can barley stand on your own without gripping the table for support"

    "I'm fine"

    "Just to be sure, I'm going to help you out", he said grabbing my waist with one hand and my dominant hand with the other.

    Draco's hand slowly moved from my waist down to my hip, sending chills all over my body. He stood directly behind me, pressing his body lightly against mine. I could smell his Dior cologne because of how close he is to me. My heart began to race and I got the sudden urge to just turn around and let him do whatever he wants to do to me on this table.

endgame ✦ draco malfoyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum